Friday, May 3, 2013


Friday, May 3, 2013 (6:57 a.m.)
Holy, Holy God,
Thank You. Thank You for rest. Thank You for singing. Yes. I started thanking and the next thing I know I was singing. I will enter His gates with thanksgiving in my heart, I will enter His courts with praise (Psalm 100). Right after that, I was singing Sing praise, sing praise(Psalm 136).
Thank You Father. Thank You that we can so readily come before You. Thank You that You are all the things (and more!) Your Word and praise songs tell us You are. You are Lord. You are God. You are always good. You are loving and kind. You are faithful and Your love endures forever These are truths we not only can stand on, but sing about as well.
Empower me to use these unchanging truths well this day. Remind me to keep singing of Your goodness and mercy. I love You so very much Dearest Lord and I ask that each and every day I be a good and faithful servant to You. Thank You Father. I love You. Amen.
(184 words ~ 9:18 a.m.)

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