Saturday, July 29, 2023

different and delightful

 Saturday, July 29, 2023 (5:40 a.m.)


Thank You that You are “good, a strong refuge when trouble comes… close to those who trust in” You (Nahum 1:7). Mm. Yes. Thank You.

(6:23 a.m.)

I like the way You work Dearest God. Introducing Yourself to us in so many different and delightful ways.

I originally came here this morning considering Your attributes. Wondering how extensive the list might be. I believe there truly is no end to Your goodness. Your grace. Your glory. Your grandeur.

Having my Bible fall open to the introduction page of Nahum was unusual for me. Taking the time to go outside to witness various colors and shapes in the north eastern sky was a genuine delight.

My thoughts this morning are anything but cohesive. Darting all over the place. Flitting quickly from one to another.

♪Jesus Take the Wheel♪ just started singing itself to me. Almost immediately I remembered my plan to find and reread “A Tandem Bike Ride With God (Pedal!).” Thank You Father.

Easy finds to both the song and the story about trusting You I am grateful to always having You here. Near. At the ready. Thank You Lord.

There are so many unknowns for every day. Plans change. Alternatives are anticipated. Thank You that You are constant.

And right here? Another song.

Great Is They Faithfulness, O God my Father; There is no shadow of turning with Thee; Thou changest not, Thy compassions, they fail not; As Thou hast been Thou forever wilt be♪ (Lamentations 3:22-23).

I’m asking (Matthew 7:7) You to keep my focus on You rather than all the various distractions vying for my attention. I want to see You in the different and delightful things You have for me this day [which You have made (Psalm 118:24a)]. Rejoicing and being glad (24b).

Yes! I love, need, trust and want You as Lord of each moment. Thank You. Praise You. Use me as You know is best. Amen.

(338 words ~ 7:19 a.m.)

Friday, July 28, 2023


 Friday, July 28, 2023 (5:54 a.m.)

Holy, Holy God,

Thank You! We get to come before You exactly as we are. Flawed. Imperfect. And full of love for You. Yes!

(6:24 a.m.)

Oh, our dear and loving God. You are so truly good. Turning to You. Choosing Your Word over my thoughts. Experiencing Your peace. What joy! Thank You Father.

Following one phrase [“full of love for God”] took me to one word. Infused. And then another. Soaked. Finally arriving at “soaking in God’s love.” And in Your presence.

So many verses call us to come to You. Thank You God. You provide our every rest.

Fearful thoughts can take us far from You. Thank You that Your Word always brings us Your Truth. Speaking to us about Your compassion. As well as the importance of having a relationship with You.

The book of Hosea shows Your never ending love for Your sinful people. Thank You that we have these records of unfaithfulness, discipline, impending doom. Followed by promises for love, grace, healing, restoration and blessing.

Always reaping what we sow (Galatians 6:7-8) we are reminded that our actions have consequences. Thank You Lord for knowing Your people so well. Thank You for talking with us today through Hosea’s words and actions.

Your love for Your people never wavers. Speaking to Hosea (2:14-15) about Your love for unfaithful Israel You promised, “But then I will win her back once again. I will lead her into the desert and speak tenderly to her there. I will return her vineyards to her and transform the Valley of Trouble into a gateway of hope.”

Mm. Your promises.

Following over to chapter 10, verse 12. Your words to Hosea. “I said, ‘Plant the good seeds of righteousness, and you will harvest a crop of love. Plow up the hard ground of your hearts, for now is the time to seek the LORD, that He may come and shower righteousness upon you.’”

Thank You Father that we have this opportunity to soak in Your love. To be immersed in it. Transformed by it.

Use us as You alone know is best. Loving as You would have us. With all of our hearts, souls, minds and strength. You. Others. Ourselves (Mark 12:30-31). As only Your Holy Spirit can empower us (Ephesians 3:16 [through verse 21]).

Mm. Thank You. Thank You. For this opportunity to soak in Your presence. Thank You. Praise You. Amen.

(418 words ~ 7:27 a.m.)

Thursday, July 27, 2023

the promises of God's presence

 Thursday, July 27, 2023 (5:08 a.m.)

Blessed God,

Thank You. Thank You. Thank You. You continue blessing us with Your presence.

(6:02 a.m.)

Father, thank You for this time to read in and of Your Word. Thank You for the promises of Your presence I find here.

(6:05 a.m.)

Oh! May I just say how perfect You are?!

With all the verses available to us, I was wondering which would be the one You’d most have me stand upon this morning. How awesome to see it spelled out for me as I reached again to turn in Your Word.

Right here. On the cover. Beautifully printed out. Reminding me.

Elizabeth’s words to her cousin Mary. Luke 1:45. “Blessed is she who has believed that the LORD would fulfill His promises to her.” Yes!

Blessed are we when we choose to believe You and Your promises. When our faith in You is greater than any fearful thought or experience we encounter.

Thank You God that You are so much greater than all the evil in this world. Continue Your work in each and every single one of us. Changing us from what we’ve been into all You’d have us be. Truly Yours!

(6:31 a.m.)

Holy Father, I ask You to go before, behind, beside, beneath, above and within me as I prepare to go out into this day. This day that You indeed have made (Psalm 118:24a). I want very much to rejoice and be glad in it (24b).

You are good. Great. Glorious. Gracious. Kind. Loving. Caring... I am made in Your image (Genesis 1:26) and I want to represent You well. Do all You must in using me as You know is best.

I love, need, trust and want You as Lord of my life. Thank You for who and all You are. Continue Your work in teaching me to love (1 Corinthians 13:4-7) as You would have me. You. Others. And myself. With all my heart, soul, mind and strength (Mark 12:30-31).

Thank You. Praise You. Amen.

(349 words ~ 6:42 a.m.)

Wednesday, July 26, 2023

such nice words

 Wednesday, July 26, 2023 (5:43 a.m.)

Lord God,

You provided us much peace yesterday. Thank You. We are grateful.

Mm. Such nice words. Yes. “Thank You. We are grateful.”

(6:09 a.m.)

Yes Father. Nice words. Kind words. Life-giving words.

(6:29 a.m.)

Most Blessed God, I want very much to use kind, life-giving words today. Your Word has much to say about their importance.

Mm. Here’s Ephesians 4:29 from The Message. “Watch the way you talk. Let nothing foul or dirty come out of your mouth. Say only what helps, each word a gift.”

Yes Father. I want to ‘not let even one rotten word seep out of (y)our mouths. Instead, offer only fresh words that build others up when they need it most. That way (y)our good words will communicate grace to those who hear them’ (The Voice).

Yes Lord. Words like “Thank You. We are grateful.”

Continue Your work in making us ever more kind. Considerate. Loving.

You alone are good. Great. Glorious. Gracious. And we truly are grateful.

Use us this day exactly as You know is best. Speaking life-giving words “that build others up when they need it most.”

We love You Lord. We need, trust and want to follow You as You lead. Empower and enable us to Your good and perfect way. Thank You. Praise You. Amen.

(234 words ~ 6:48 a.m.)

Tuesday, July 25, 2023

Trusting God

 Tuesday, July 25, 2023 (5:40 a.m.)

Blessed, Holy, Awesome Father God,

We come before You this morning - trusting You. Yes Lord. We trust You!

Thank You that You have worked with us all these years. Teaching us to turn to You. Always.

(6:32 a.m.)

Here’s a laugh! Reading many verses and articles about turning to and trusting You, I found myself singing. ♪Trust in the Lord always and again I say♪ Oh! It’s ♪REJOICE in the Lord♪

Thank You Father. You are good. Great. Glorious. Gracious. You know what You are doing. And we trust You. Thank You Lord.

Work in, with, by, through and for us this day [which You have made (Psalm 118:24a)]. Use us. Trusting. Believing. Knowing You to be the ♪Good, Good Father♪ that You are.

We are going into brand new territory and we need, want and trust You to lead, guide and direct our every single step. Thank You for being who and all You are. Do all You must according to Your good and glorious plan (Jeremiah 29:11).

The very next verse (12) reminds us, “In those days when you pray, I will listen.” We are praying Father, “Thy will be done.” You absolutely do know best.

Thank You for Your love. And the faith and trust You have instilled in us. Continue blessing, keeping, turning Your face toward us, being gracious, lifting up Your divine countenance upon us and giving us Your peace (Numbers 6:24-26).

Your peace which passes all understanding (Philippians 4:7) by our not worrying about anything; instead, praying about everything (v. 6a). Telling You what we need and thanking You for all You have done (6b).

Yes Father. Thanking You. All day long! Indeed. Thank You. Praise You. Use us. Amen.

(301 words ~ 7:03 a.m.)

Monday, July 24, 2023

starting with gratitude

 Monday, July 24, 2023 (6:08 a.m.)

Blessed God,

I am gratefully here. Wondering where to go in Your Word. Starting with thanks and praise. Grateful [there’s that word again!]. Yes. Let’s start with gratitude and go on from there.

(6:46 a.m.)

Mm, yes. Gratitude. Thank You God.

Looking here. Reading there. Stopping now at Romans 12:3. Illustrated Bible Handbook. “True Interdependence; 12:3-8. The world’s way is competitive, with each individual seeking to be superior to others. In Christ’s body a new way is made possible: a way of cooperation and true interdependence…”

We experienced this very thing yesterday Lord. While working in the yard together. 50 years of learning to value one another’s contribution to the cause. Allowing each to work at their own pace. And to celebrate one another’s strengths. As well as weaknesses.

Thank You Father. Really, truly “Thank You!”

You are so good. Kind. Gracious. Generous. Glorious. Great. And we are earnestly grateful for ALL ♪Thy hand hath provided Great Is Thy Faithfulness Lord unto♪ we!

Father, You know the challenges we have coming up. Brand new territory of which we are completely unfamiliar. We are trusting You Lord. With all of our eggs in Your basket.

We love You God. We are absolutely grateful for all You have so generously, graciously and freely given to us. Use us exactly as You alone know is best. Rejoicing. Being glad. Following as You lead.

We love, need, trust and want You as Lord of our lives. Thank You Father. Praise You. Amen.

(261 words ~ 7:11 a.m.)

Sunday, July 23, 2023


 Sunday, July 23, 2023 (6:12 a.m.)

Blessed, Holy, Father God,

You blessed me yesterday. Hugely!

(6:43 a.m.)

Hugely. Enormously. Exceedingly. Yes, Father.

I was truly blessed with an exceeding abundance of joy yesterday. Being completely honest about making up my plans as I was going along freed me to explore and experiment with various ideas. Some worked. Others didn’t.

Thank You Father for the freedom we have in You. Yes. Freedom to be who You created us to be. Loving. Caring. Kind. True to You. And ultimately ourselves.

Thank You God that I actually like myself best when I am truly living in the overflow of all You offer to us each and every day. Reading Your Word I find so many mentions.

Ephesians 3:20

John 10:10

Philippians 4:19

2 Corinthians 9:8

Mm, yes Lord! Even now You are blessing me again.

“Each man should give as he has decided in his heart. He should not give, wishing he could keep it. Or he should not give if he feels he has to give. God loves a man who gives because he wants to give. God can give you all you need. He will give you more than enough. You will have everything you need for yourselves. And you will have enough left over to give when there is a need” (2 Corinthians 9:7-8 New Life Version).

I experienced exactly that yesterday Lord. Helping others learn to play safely and confidently in the water. Thank You God. Praise You! It’s You behind it all.

Use me this day [which You have made (Psalm 118:24a)] as You know is best. Rejoicing and being glad (24b).

I love, need, trust and want You. Thank You. Amen.

(295 words ~ 7:54 a.m.)

Saturday, July 22, 2023


 Saturday, July 22, 2023 (6:39 a.m.)

Blessed God,

Thank You that just as I started to say, “thank You” another song started. Again. ♪My hope is in You, Lord♪

(7:18 a.m.)

Mm, yes! All my hope IS in You, Lord!

Psalm 33:20-22.

New Living Translation. “We put our hope in the LORD. He is our help and our shield. In Him our hearts rejoice, for we trust in His holy name. Let Your unfailing love surround us, LORD, for our hope is in You alone.”

It is Dearest God. It truly is!

The Message. “We’re depending on GOD; He’s everything we need. What’s more, our hearts brim with joy since we’ve taken for our own His holy name. Love us, GOD, with all You’ve got - that’s what we’re depending on.”

Yes Father. Your love IS what we are depending on.

I’m asking (Matthew 7:7) You to use me this day exactly as You alone know is best. Loving You with all my heart, soul, mind and strength. And my neighbor as myself (Mark 12:30-31). Keep working in, with, by, through and for me to even know what that looks like.

I love You Lord. I need, trust and want You.

My Life Is In You, Lord My strength is in You, Lord My hope is in You, Lord In You, it’s in You. I will praise You with all of my heart I will praise You with all of my hope With all of my life, and all of my strength All of my hope is in You♪

It is Dearest God. Thank You. Praise You. Amen.

(276 words ~ 8:05 a.m.)