Sunday, June 30, 2019

"union with the good One"

Sunday, June 30, 2019 (5:37 a.m.)
Most Holy and Blessed God,

It’s the last day of another month. And I have still more thank You’s to add. Thank You that they come far more readily and easily than ever before.

Thank You that You are so very good. Kind. Loving. All the things we’d truly like to be.

It is absolutely beautiful outside right now. Just a sliver of a moon. Sky practically white. Contrasted by blue looking clouds. We don’t see this every day.

Thank You for beauty Father. And joy. In the most unexpected places.

Thank You again for teaching us to say, “Thank You.” This simple practice changes my demeanor every single time.

While my thoughts can often take me in a negative direction, it’s remembering Who and ALL You are that brings me back to thanks and praise. Yes. Thank and praise You Father.

This cool and beautiful morning I am again reading in Romans 12. Wanting so much to live the life of joy and love You have provided.

Father God, how I thank You for the joy and love we have in You. Faith. Hope. Love. These three remain (1 Corinthians 13:13). Thank you Father.

And again, it’s in You we find our hope. And trust. Thank You God.

Things in this world are what they are. We can try to fight circumstances and situations. It’s when we relinquish all to You that we find peace.

It’s in turning to Your Word (Romans 12); reading, hoping, trusting that we are buoyed. Reminded of Your absolute goodness.

Remembering my own loss of patience and negligence to prayerfulness (v. 12) the other evening I thank You Father for the willingness to confess my enormous error in judgment. Holy God, You are so good to forgive and guide us. Keep working Your will and Your way in each of us.

Reading through the end of the chapter, it’s verse 21 that has my attention this morning. The idea of overcoming evil with good seems at times to be easier than at others. Today, however, I am drawn to a footnote in The Passion Translation.

“Don’t be conquered by the evil one, but conquer evil through union with the good One.” We can do none of Your commands on our own. It absolutely is only in our union with You, the truly good One, that we have the strength and courage to make all necessary changes in our lives.

Father God, continue using Your Word to work in and through each of us. We love and trust You so very much. And we truly long to continue growing in our union with You. The good One.

Thank You God. Amen.
(451 words ~ 7:37 a.m.)

Saturday, June 29, 2019

unconfined joy

Saturday, June 29, 2019 (6:05 a.m.)
Holy, Holy God,

Thank You. Thank You that You have taught us to say, “Thank You.” Even when things aren’t exactly as we think we’d like them to be we can still choose to thank You. Thank You.
(6:25 a.m.)

I am here. Looking. Searching. Asking. Hoping. Yes Father. I have a new wonder. Will You speak with me this morning about “unconfined joy”? Joy unlimited. Mm, yes please.

It’s been almost a year since we first began this experiment with joyfulness. Thank You Father. Thank You for the opportunity to grow and be made more aware of joy. In You. With others.

Holy God, I love You. I love reading Your Word. And taking that Word to heart.

Thank You Blessed Lord for making me aware of the joy that underlies every smile that breaks through me. Whether it be my heart, my soul or my face. It’s when I smile that I am reminded of the joy You provide us.

This morning I am reading in Romans 12. With just a flip of the pages I’m over to “The Sharing of Christian Joy” found in Philippians. Father God, thank You for the ways You remind us of the unconfined joy we find in You.

Hallelujah Jesus! Yes. Hallelujah! “exclamation: God be praised (uttered in worship or as an expression of rejoicing)”.

Romans 12:12, “Be glad for all God is planning for you. Be patient in trouble, and always be prayerful.” Holy God, I was neither patient nor prayerful in a time of trouble last night. Continue Your work in me I pray.

This is set to be a fairly busy day. Unconfine the joy You have for me. I love You. Thank You. Amen.
(296 words ~ 8:06 a.m.)

Friday, June 28, 2019


Friday, June 28, 2019 (6:35 a.m.)
Holy God,

Thank You.

I can feel grumpy and still find reasons to smile. Thank You for Your goodness. Thank You for Your grace.

Thank You that in this very moment I have the choice of grumbling or praising and I choose praise and thanks. Psalm 23 reminds me of the rest we have in You. Another reason to thank and praise. And smile.

Father, I love You. What a privilege to be able to say that. Freely. Thank You.

Thank You for Your reminders. Thank You for Your Truth. Thank You for new to me descriptions of this well known psalm. “David’s poetic praise to God  The Passion Translation.

Mm, Father. Bless You. Praise You. Thank You. You change my mindset. You do! “noun: the established set of attitudes held by someone”.

It’s true. I have long held beliefs. Of myself and others. Your Word, Your Truth, Your promises bring them in line with Your best for us. Thank You Father.

The Passion Translation begins with David referring to You as his best friend and shepherd. Acknowledging that he always has more than enough. Thank You Lord for the ways You help me put things into perspective.

Just by using different words to describe this psalm my thoughts go deeper than usual. Verse two, You offering a resting place in Your luxurious love. Your tracks taking David “to an oasis of peace, the quiet brook of bliss.”

Verse three tells us “That’s where He restores and revives my life.” Thank You Father. “… even when Your path takes me through the valley of deepest darkness, fear will never conquer me, for You already have!” (4a). Praise You Lord.

There are footnotes for all but verse six. Is it because it appears to be self explanatory?

“So why would I fear the future? For Your goodness and love pursue me all the days of my life. Then afterward, when my life is through, I’ll return to Your glorious presence to be forever with You!”

Yes Father. Thank You for Your goodness and love. Thank You for pursuing us all the days of our lives.

You provide our every need. And when we forget that You do what is necessary to remind us and change our mindset. Thank and praise You Father.

I love You. Use me this day exactly as You know is best. I trust You. I need You. And I thank You. Amen.
(412 words ~ 7:46 a.m.)

sweet peace

Thursday, June 27, 2018 (5:43 a.m.)
Holy God,

Thank You. I love You. Rest. Sleep. Dreams. More rest. You have blessed us Father. With Your peace. Mm. Yes. Your peace. Thank You God.

(6:18 a.m.)
Mm, yes! Sweet peace. Your sweet peace! 

Where did that come from? Oh. Your Word, of course!

Holy God, I’m confessing to You right now the tendency I used to carry with me. Throughout everyday. Fear! Being afraid that if I got too comfortable, took Your peace for granted, it would suddenly be ripped away. “Like a thief in the night” (1Thessalonians 5:2).

And would you just look at that! Even this fear is covered in Your Word. We’re all going to one day be held accountable for our actions and our attitudes. “Let us who live in the light think clearly, protected by the body armor of faith and love, and wearing as our helmet the confidence of our salvation (v. 8).

Father, You have told us repeatedly, throughout Your Word not to be afraid. To trust You. Depend on Your promises. Should I choose to wait for the other shoe to drop or for a bottom to fall out I will miss out on the sweet everlasting peace You provide.

Thank You for righting my thinking. Thank You that I get to truly rest, even sing… ♪’Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus, Just to take Him at His Word, Just to rest upon His promise, Just to know: “Thus saith the Lord.”♪

Mm… Rest. Sweet rest.

“I am leaving you with a gift - peace of mind and heart. And the peace I give isn’t like the peace the world gives. So don’t be troubled or afraid” (John 14:27). Jesus’ promise to His disciples.

Peace in Your power and forgiveness. Peace in the presence of the Holy Spirit. Peace in Jesus.

“I have told you all this so that you may have peace in me. Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world” (John 16:33). Ah, thank You Jesus.

Thank you for Your promises. Thank You for Your peace. Your sweet, everlasting peace.

Use me this day. Exactly as You wish. I love You. Thank You. Amen.

(382 words ~ 7:17 a.m.)

Wednesday, June 26, 2019

"favorable times"

Wednesday, June 26, 2019 (6:23 a.m.)
Holy God,

Thank You.

Thank You for a cool, beach like morning. Thank You for memories and opportunities. Mm… opportunities: “favorable times.” Yes, Father. Thank You for favorable times.

As I turn in Your Word, searching “favorable times” I stop at 2 Timothy 4:2. Speak clearly to me this morning Father.

The Life Recovery Bible’s comment tells us, “4:1-5 Paul strongly encouraged Timothy to share the Good News of Jesus Christ with others.” Whether the time is favorable or not (v. 2).

We are told to share what You have done for us. Offering Your hope to others. Yes Father. Your Word. Your Truth. Your promises. Empower and embolden me in sharing the hope we each have of living our lives with, in, by, through and for You.

I love You Father. And I thank You for the opportunity [favorable time] to share You and my own story with others. Thank You God. Use me as You know is best. I love You. Amen.
(175 words ~ 7:20 a.m.)

say, "Thank You"

Tuesday, June 25, 2019 (6:43 a.m.)
Blessed God,

Thank You. I love You.

It’s early and we’ve already had surprises. Thank You that You have taught us to say, “Thank You.”

Psalm 92:1, “It is good to say thank You to the Lord, to sing praises to the God who is above all gods” (The Living Bible). Yes Father!

New Living Translation says, “… give thanks…” and I immediately start singing Don Moen’s song. ♪Give thanks with a grateful heart. Give thanks to the Holy One. Give thanks because He’s given Jesus Christ, His Son♪

Yes Father. Thank You that You are still teaching us to say, “Thank You.”

While Psalm 92 is deemed, “A psalm to be sung on the LORD’s Day. A song ” it seems appropriate to sing Your praises everyday. I love You Father.

The Life Recovery Bible comment for this psalm reminds us that praising You is a necessary part of recovery. Your love is unfailing. Your faithfulness unceasing. You bring us “abiding joy.” Praise and thanks is to be “our natural response. Our praise will serve as a declaration to others of God’s power to deliver us from the bondage of addiction.”

Thank You Father. Thank You.

Monday, June 24, 2019

incredible opportunity

Monday, June 24, 2019 (6:26 a.m.)
Holy God,

Thank You.

We have so many reasons to thank You. And right at this very moment I’m not thinking of a single one.

Coffee. Conversation. Beauty. Opportunity. Protection. Love. Opportunity. There it is again. Holy God, You provide us with so many “sets of circumstances that make it possible to do something.” Like praise You.

Yes. This morning I have the opportunity to thank and praise You. I get to take the time to search and read Your Word. Learn more of the opportunities You provide us.

Like sitting. And breathing deeply. Reflecting on Your goodness and Your grace. Longing to share the hope we find in You Dear Lord.

Right now I am reading in 1 Corinthians 16:5-9 and Colossians 4:5-6. I’m encouraged and buoyed [cause to become cheerful and confident; to rise to or remain at a high level] by Paul’s Final Instructions and Greetings to fellow believers.

Blessed Lord God, how I thank You for the opportunity [and privilege] of coming before You ♪Just As I Am, without one plea But that Thy blood was shed for me…♪ I sit. Settle in. And You sing to my soul. Thank You Father.

As I prepare to take Paul’s words with me out into the day, Blessed God I ask You to empower and embolden me in putting them into action. I read more about his letter to the Colossians and become even more excited.

According to The Life Recovery Bible, the purpose of this letter was “to show us that Christ is the only real source of power in our life.” Oh Amen, Dear Lord. Amen!

“Use your heads as you live and work among outsiders. Don’t miss a trick. Make the most of every opportunity. Be gracious in your speech. The goal is to bring out the best in others in a conversation, not put them down, not cut them out” (Colossians 4:5-6).

Yes please, Father! This is what I pray!

Now, back over to Paul’s letter to “the believers living in Corinth, encouraging them to resolve their problems and honor God.” Here (1Corinthians 16:9) he speaks of “a huge door of opportunity for good work” that had opened up there.

The Life Recovery Bible comment for 16:5-18 at the bottom of the page inspires me all the more. “Throughout this letter Paul encouraged the Corinthians in their recovery and spiritual growth. In closing Paul revealed his love and trust in them by making personal requests. There is always a balance between caring for the hurts and needs of others and being able to ask for what we need as well. Healthy relationships are characterized by this kind of balanced give-and-take.”

Healthy relationships. Balanced give-and-take. What incredible opportunity. In, with, by, through and for You! Yes please, Father. Sign me up for obedience to Your will and way throughout this day.

I love You. I long to serve You. Exactly as You know is best. Thank You for every, single opportunity to do good that You provide. Do all You must to this end. Thank You. I love You. Amen.
(535 words ~ 7:32 a.m.)

Sunday, June 23, 2019

God's promise

Sunday, June 23, 2019 (6:23 a.m.)
Holy God,
(6:56 a.m.)

Mm, yes. Holy God. All knowing, Holy God. I love You. You know Your best. You know Your plans for each of us (Jeremiah 29:11).

In considering the amount of births this date represents for people we know and love, I went straight to Your Word. Thank You for verses with which I have little knowledge.

Galatians 4:24 in The Message. “The two births represent two ways of being in relationship with God.” Isn’t this the Truth!

Verse 23, “The son of a slave woman [Hagar] was born by human connivance; the son of the free woman [Sarah] was born by God’s promise. This illustrates the very thing we are dealing with now.” How often do we rely on our own resources instead of Your promises?

Thank You Father that You provide us with Your Truth. Your promises. And the choice to wait and trust You. Or to work tirelessly of our own accord, attempting to manipulate Your will.

This morning Lord, I ask You to take full charge of this day. Yielding Your blessings as You choose to provide them. Trusting, believing that Your promises are best.

I love You. And I long to serve You.

Happy Birthday to those sharing this particular date, Lord. Those who are already living with You, as well as those who may or may not yet know You as the kind and loving God You are.

Be the promise fulfilling God You are. Making us obedient and patient in our wait. Thank You. We love You. Amen.
(270 words ~ 7:50 a.m.)

Saturday, June 22, 2019

charity and character

Saturday, June 22, 2019 (7:03 a.m.)
Blessed God,

Thank You for Your presence. Thank You for Your wisdom. Thank You for Your love. Thank You for Your charity. And Your character.

Mm, yes Father. Your charity and character. Speak with me this morning of both of these I ask.
(7:25 a.m.)

Thank You Father. Even as I consider the meaning of these two words, I get to look deeper into Your Word. Your Truth. And learn more of Your goodness. Your justice. Your holiness.

Yes Lord, I thank You. Thank You for leading me. Thank You for guiding us. Teaching us.

Charity: noun ~ generosity and helpfulness especially toward the needy or suffering; benevolent goodwill toward or love of humanity; lenient judgment of others.

Oh Father, thank You. We get to look to You!

All this started as I first considered Moses’ words to the people of Israel (Deuteronomy 30:20a). “Choose to love the LORD your God and to obey Him and commit yourself to Him, for He is your life.” Oh Father, yes!

And then over to Psalm 103. Beginning with David’s praise to You. 

Father, thank You for the records we have of other people’s experiences with You. Empower and enable me in utilizing them.

I love You. I long to serve You. Exactly as You know is best. Thank You God. I praise Your charity. And Your character. Amen.

(236 words ~ 8:19 a.m.)

Friday, June 21, 2019


Friday, June 21, 2019 (6:26 a.m.)
Blessed God,

I’m confessing to feeling a spot of disappointment.
(6:39 a.m.)
And here’s a smile to counter that feeling. Thank You God.

Thank You that again and again we have the choice. Life, or death? Good. Or bad. Positive. Negative. Always a choice. Thank You.

Thank You that as I searched the antonyms for disappointment the only word I found is satisfaction. Yes Father. Satisfaction.

Turning to Your Word I come to Psalm 119:57, “You are my satisfaction, Lord, and all that I need, so I’m determined to do everything You say.” Yes Father. You ARE my satisfaction! Thank You.

Thank You that one word can take me in so many directions. Other translations use the word “portion” to describe You. This often leads me to further investigation.

You as my portion. This Truth points me to Lamentation 3:24 (BRG), “The LORD is my portion, saith my soul; therefore will I hope in Him.”

Other versions say: “Inheritance,” “All I need,” “My God,” “All I have,” “Share,” “Mine,” “My lot in life,” “What I have left,” “Everything I will ever need.”

As I consider these phrases Dear Lord, my smile grows. The peace I feel deepens. Father I love You. And I thank You for turning my thought pattern. From negative to positive.

Back over to Psalms, The Life Recovery Bible’s comment says, “119:57-64 In recovery we are called to seek out God’s will for our life.The Bible should be the first place we look. Yet we must not merely listen to His Word and study His principles. We also need to take appropriate action once God’s will is known (see James 1:22-25)…”

Following this lead over to James, another smile!

Reading up at verse 19. “My dear brothers and sisters, be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to get angry. Your anger can never make things right in God’s sight. So get rid of all the filth and evil in your lives, and humbly accept the message God has planted in your hearts, for it is strong enough to save your souls.”

And we aren’t just to accept Your message. No. Verse 22, “And remember, it is a message to obey, not just to listen to. If you don’t obey, you are only fooling yourself.” Thank You Father.

So here I am Blessed Lord, asking You to lead me into this day. Take all the plans I had previously made and align them according to Your will (or won’t as the case may be).

I love You Lord. And I trust You. Just as Your Word directs. Use me exactly as You know is best. Thank You Father for the satisfaction I find in You. Amen.
(466 words ~ 7:34 a.m.)

Thursday, June 20, 2019

even this

Thursday, June 20, 2019 (10:06 a.m.)
Most Blessed Holy God,

There is news of an impending death of a much loved one. He is a strong believer of Yours, Lord. As is his wife, and family. We know the outcome Father. He will go to live eternally with You. It’s those who remain here for whom I am praying Lord.

Sadness? Yes. Change? Absolutely. Your presence with each of his survivors? Please Father.

Bless them. Keep them. Smile on them. Be gracious to them. Turn Your face toward them. And give them Your peace (Numbers 6:24-26).

We love You so very much most dear and heavenly Father. It is in Your Son’s name that I ask the strength of Your mighty power (Ephesians 6:10) be within each of his loved ones. Protect them all with Your whole armor (vs. 13-18).

Let them experience Your presence, along with that of the Holy Spirit, like never before. I look to You blessed Father, counting on You to provide the family’s every, single need. Your peace. Your love. Every thing we have come to believe and trust through Psalm 23.

You are God. You are good. We are Yours. And we know You’ve got even this. Thank You Father.

We love You. We need You. Amen.
(219 words ~ 10:27 a.m.)

goodness and grace

Thursday, June 20, 2019 (6:09 a.m.)
Holy God,

Good morning. Thank You for sleep. Thank You for love. Thank You for Your goodness and grace.

Mm, yes Father. Thank You that I get to sit here. Contemplating Your goodness and Your grace.

Even as I do this, thinking I might go in one direction (Psalm 145) I am pulled instead to another (Jeremiah 29:12-14a). Lead me Father. I choose to follow You.

“… ‘In those days when you pray, I will listen. If you look for me in earnest, you will find me when you seek me. I will be found by you,’ says the LORD.”

And right there, a love song from the past. One that I have always linked to both You and the very good husband You provided me.

An easy find. Actual “music to my ears”. Thank You Father. ♪I Will Be Here♪ by Stephen Chapman.

So many memories come to mind as I consider all You have done for us through the years. Blessed God, You are so very good. And I am truly grateful.

I commit this day to You Holy God. Asking that You would lead me into the conversations with which You would have me involved. 

I seek Your wisdom. Your words. Your encouragement. Faith. Hope.

I love You Father. I absolutely know that You are good and full of grace. Be everything You want to be for each of us. Knowing exactly what it is of which we are in desperate need. You. Your love. Your goodness. And Your grace.

How I thank You in advance for all You have in store for us. I love You, Father. I need You. I want You. I thank You. Do all You must. Thank You. Amen.
(296 words ~ 7:06 a.m.)

Wednesday, June 19, 2019

God's joy

Wednesday, June 19, 2019 (6:15 a.m.)
Blessed God,

Thank You for Your love. Thank You for Your patience. I don’t know about Your joy. Can we look into that this day?

Father, thank You for the joy of a healing arm we learned of yesterday. Yes, Father. Our joy is found in You.
(7:34 a.m.)

Looking. Searching. Reading. Attempting to learn more of Your joy. I am aware of the joy we have in You. It’s still Your joy I’m seeking to learn more about.
(10:27 a.m.)

And I’m back. Reading. Thinking. Seeking. Pondering. Considering. Cooking. Cleaning. A little bit of friendly neighborly yard mowing. All the while wondering about Your joy.

All that I have read this morning brings me back to Nehemiah 8:10. And here I confess, I don’t understand it any more now than I did earlier.

The people of Israel were told [by] “Ezra: Go back to your homes, and prepare a feast. Bring out the best food and drink you have, and welcome all to your table, especially those who have nothing. This day is special. It is sacred to our Lord. Do not grieve over your past mistakes. Let the Eternal’s own joy be your protection!”

That’s The Voice’s way of saying “… for the joy of the LORD is your strength.” Other variations use; “will make you strong”, while another refers to “our strength.

This point I get. Our strength comes from Your joy. Which brings me back to my original wonder. Your joy.

I count on it being there. I look over to the Benediction offered in Numbers (6:24-26) seeing the call for Your face to shine [smile] on those in attendance. In my head, that represents joy.

So while I believe I see evidences of Your joy, I maintain I don’t know much about it. And for now, I’m choosing to be okay with that.

You see? I love You Lord. I trust You. I believe You have Your best for us. And it is Your joy that is our protection. Our strength. It’s what makes us strong.

With that I will go into this day of making changes and meeting new people. Longing to share Your joy. Your love. Your Word. Your hope. Your promises. Thank You Blessed God.

I love You so much. Do all You must in making me obedient to Your call. Your voice. Your leading. Your best. Yes Father. Thank You for Your joy. I love You. Amen.
(416 words ~ 10:59 a.m.)

Tuesday, June 18, 2019


Tuesday, June 18, 2019 (6:24 a.m.)
Holy God,

Thank You. There are changes being made.
(7:30 a.m.)

Evidently this is not the first time I have explored the word changes with You. Thank You for the opportunity to again take a look at the book of Daniel and the trust he had in You.

Reading The Life Recovery Bible introduction of this book I honestly marvel at the conviction to Your will he was always able to follow. “Daniel and his friends were exiled to Babylon for the sins of their ancestors, but they did not use that as an excuse for continued failure. Instead, they trusted God and determined to live according to His will.”

Truly Father, I don’t know what it would be not to waver. To stand firm; under the most ordinary circumstances, much less the threat of a fiery furnace (chapter 3) or lion’s den (chapter 6).

Father, You have so very much to teach us about obedience and our absolute commitment to following the path (Matthew 7:13-14) You have set for each of us. Thank You that You are so good and patient (2 Peter 3:9) in Your love for us.

Thank You Father for Daniel’s example of giving You praise (Daniel 2:20-23) and recognition (v. 28) as was due You. “He said, ‘Praise God’s name forever and ever! Power and wisdom belong to Him. He changes the times and seasons. He gives power to kings, and He takes their power away. He gives wisdom to people, so they become wise. He lets people learn things and become wise.’”

Holy God, keep teaching us. Empowering and enabling us to stand firm against the ever present changes of our times. We love You. And we long to serve You. Well. Thank You Blessed Father. Amen.
(308 words ~ 8:32 a.m.)

Monday, June 17, 2019

love and thanks

Monday, June 17, 2019 (6:21 a.m.)
Blessed, Holy God,

We love You. Yes. We love and thank You.
(7:06 a.m.)

Yes Lord. We do love and thank You. Not always well. Never perfectly.

How I thank You Father for looking past the obvious. Seeing and knowing what all is underneath our behaviors and attitudes.

Mm, yes Father God. You are good. Holy. Worthy of all praise and glory.

Today I begin another experiment in healing. How appropriate that my declaration of love and thanksgiving would wind me around to “Psalm 107. A psalm of redemption [the action of saving or being saved from sin, error, or evil] - from wandering (4-9), prison (10-16), rebelliousness (17-22) and distress (23-32)” Illustrated Bible Handbook.

Would You just look at how closely I resemble this description! Whether behaving willfully or carelessly I fall into the need for redemption category. Who, better than YOU to lead the charge! Thank You Father.

The Life Recovery Bible comment for 107:10-20 begins, “When we reject God and His plan, we live in spiritual darkness; we are like prisoners in chains.” Yes. That would be me!

But Your Truth doesn’t end there.

Proceeding to the end of this particular Recovery Note, again I am so hopeful. “The psalmist’s announcement of punishment, however, should not leave us in despair; his comments end on a hopeful note. If we come to our senses and ask God for His deliverance, He will help us escape from bondage and heal us.”

Holy God, I love the ways You get our attention. Shifting our focus. And providing the resources we need to make necessary changes. Praise You Father.

As I continue reading through this psalm of thanks, I’m drawn again to another comment. “107:23-32 Sometimes we may feel that we are in a small ship plowing through stormy seas and about to go under.”

How often do I feel exactly this way?

“Bad memories and a sense of failure make our world seem dark and hopeless. The longer the storm rages, the more we fear and lose all hope of rescue.” Yes! I resemble this statement more often than I care to admit.

“But…” There are so many times that one word allows me more hope! Thanks Dad.

“But when we cry out to God in our trouble, He will turn our storm-tossed life into a calm and peaceful sea and restore our joy. We must turn to Him for help, follow His plan for healthy living and patiently await His deliverance.” Oh yes Father!

I read Your Truth. I hope. I want to know more. And most of all, I yearn to obey. Yes Father. Do all You must in making me obedient to Your leading.

I love You. Allow my childlike understanding (Matthew 11:25) to grow into what You would have it be. Thank You Father. You are so good.

Thank You. I love You. Amen.
(495 words ~ 8:20 a.m.)

Sunday, June 16, 2019

Father in heaven

Father’s Day Sunday, June 16, 2019 (5:55 a.m.)
Holy God and Father,

Happy Father’s Day!
(6:31 a.m.)

Mm. And here I sit. Contemplating You as my God and Father in heaven.

Blessed Holy God, how I thank You for actually being my Father in heaven. We are so blessed to having been created and loved by You.

Thank You that in considering You as my Father in heaven, I am led again to revisit Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5:1-12). Here we are presented with the blessings that stem from living our lives Your way. Thanks Dad!

The Message presents Jesus’ teaching about Salt and Light (vs. 13-16) by saying, “Let me tell you why you are here.” Yes, please.

“You’re here to be salt-seasoning that brings out the God-flavors of this earth. If you lose your saltiness, how will people taste godliness? You’ve lost your usefulness and will end up in the garbage. Here’s another way to put it: You’re here to be light, bringing out the God-colors in the world. God is not a secret to be kept. We’re going public with this, as public as a city on a hill. If I make you light-bearers, you don’t think I’m going to hide you under a bucket, do you? I’m putting you on a light stand. Now that I’ve put you there on a hilltop, on a light stand - shine! Keep open house; be generous with your lives. By opening up to others, you’ll prompt people to open up with God, this generous Father in heaven.”

Oh blessed, holy Father God. I long to be flavorful. Shining. Generous. And opened up to others so they will open up to You.

Yes Father. Your ARE our Father in heaven. It’s Father’s Day and we long to honor and serve You as You so rightly deserve.

Thank You for the privilege of loving You and calling You ours. Use us exactly as You know is best. As salt. And light. Thanks Dad. Happy Father’s Day. Amen.
(348 words ~ 7:40 a.m.)

true gratitude

Saturday, June 15, 2019 (6:16 a.m.)
Blessed Holy God,

Thank You. You provide. You protect. And we are grateful.
(7:10 a.m.)
Truly grateful, Lord. And I don’t know how to continue.

My thoughts keep circling. Without landing on any one point in particular.

And here it is. Psalm 50:14.

Thank You Father. I ask. You deliver.

Illustrated Bible Handbook describes this chapter. “All gather to hear God speak (1-6). He encourages His people to honor Him, which is more important to Him than sacrifice (7-15), and He warns the wicked (16-23).

Verses 14-15 further detail, “What I want from you is your true thanks; I want your promises fulfilled. I want you to trust Me in your times of trouble, so I can rescue you and you can give me glory” (The Living Bible).

Blessed God, this is us. Trusting You in our times of trouble and being truly thankful.

Continue Your work in changing us into the people You would have us be. Trusting in You. Depending on You. Fulfilling the promises we make to You.

Yes Father, we long to honor You. Keep teaching us that we learn obedience to Your leading.

We love You Father. And we long to serve You. As You wish. Thank You for Who and All You are. We love You. With true gratitude. Amen.

(227 words ~ 7:39 a.m.)


Friday, June 14, 2019 (7:30 a.m.)
Loving Lord,

Thank You. You’ve got us.

Yes, Father. Thank You. You’ve been so incredibly good and kind to us. Patient. Loving. Attentive. Protective. Providential.

Mm, yes Father. You provide for our every single need. Having traveled far without incident we realized many times over how blessed we are to be under Your protective, providential care.

Lord God, I cannot possibly thank You enough for the ways You protect and provide for our every single need. We get to read Your Word. Be reminded of the things You have done throughout eternity. Those things in the past, the present and yet to come.

We get to count on You. Your Truth. Your promises. Knowing, trusting and believing You to be good. Kind. Loving…

For now I will close with the faith and hope I find in Psalm 91. Trusting and believing Illustrated Bible Handbook’s description, “Security is found in the shadow of the Almighty.”

Yes! Beginning with verse one, “Those who live in the shelter of the Most High will find rest in the shadow of the Almighty.” Reading through the chapter, I am affirmed that You’ve absolutely got us!

Thank You Father.

safely home

Sunday, June 9, 2019 (6:42 a.m.)
Blessed God,

Thank You!

We are home safely. Having traveled over a thousand miles without harm. Working together. And learning a lot.

Yes Father. We are safely home.

Reading of Paul and Barnabas’ First Missionary Journey (Acts 14) these are the words that strike Truth deep within me this morning, “…. launched by God’s grace and now safely home by God’s grace. A good piece of work” (v. 26).

Blessed Holy God, it IS Your grace of which we are most aware and grateful. While I do not liken any of our travels with the Gospel preaching assignments of these two believers, I am reminded of the theme we coined together so many years ago. “Praising God and having fun.”

We did exactly that this trip Father. At most every turn we were mindful that it was You behind all we experienced.

Thank You Father. Use all we experienced and learned on this time away to Your glory and the good of others. We love You Lord. And we long to serve You well. Make it so we pray.

Thank You. We love You. And we ask You this in Your Son’s most holy name. Amen.
(202 words ~ 7:51 a.m.)


Friday, June 7, 2019 (7:27 a.m.)
Tahoe Vista, CA
Holy God,

Thank You.

A change of plans took place exactly as I was thinking about it. Deciding to stay back to take care of business rather than try to cram as much into one day as possible.

Imagine that. Me setting a limit as to what I can realistically accomplish. That’s You helping me see things in a much different light. Thanks Dad!

Yes. Thank You. You are teaching me to be realistic. “adjective - having or showing a sensible and practical idea of what can be achieved or expected”. Yes. Let’s try that this day, shall we?

Turning to Your Word, again I read “A Call to Generous Giving” (2 Corinthians 8-9). Blessed Father, You have SO very much to teach me here. Thank You for the opportunity of being a willing, albeit reluctant, learner.

Reading a Theology in Brief simply entitled “Giving” in Illustrated Bible Handbook, I am grateful and heart-filled. Thank You Father to again being reminded of the Truth that “We are God’s servants, and all we have belongs to the Lord. We merely hold it in trust for Him.”

As I contemplate this reality, I include time among the resources You provide. This morning especially I ask You to guide me in managing well our time this day.

Holy God, I love You SO much. I am incredibly grateful for all Your provide us. Empower and embolden me in becoming the generous giver You would have me be.

Yes Lord. Do all You must in teaching me to be realistic in all I think, say and do. I love You. I long to serve You. And I ask You to make it all so. Thank You. I love You. Amen.
(302 words ~ 8:40 a.m.)

change my focus

Thursday, June 6, 2019 (6:39 a.m.)
Tahoe Vista, CA

So… Here’s a different approach. Me coming to You with my own “truth” instead of Yours. Stick with me for a moment while I just spill it all out.

Oh, look! I changed my mind. Or did Your do that for me?

Thank You Father.

I was prepared to bring You a laundry list of “woes”. Circumstances over which I have no control and carry potential sadness with them. You reminded me of a pleasantness from yesterday. Remembering that one enjoyable lunch with family members led to other happy thoughts.

Thank You God. Yes. I can choose to be sad. Or I can allow You to change my focus. Thank You Father. Yes. Thank You.

I’m quite sure that pangs of sadness are going to hit me periodically the next few days. Thank You that I can choose to bring them to You. Or not.

My understanding of Matthew 6:6 in The Message appears to support my thinking. “Here’s what I want you to do: Find a quiet, secluded place so you won’t be tempted to role-play before God. Just be there as simply and honestly as you can manage. The focus will shift from you to God, and you will begin to sense His grace.”

Blessed God. Thank You. You changed my focus back to the things that truly matter. Your blessings. Your gifts. Your promises.

Yes. There is the possibility that some of my thoughts, my own “truth”, may evoke a sense of sadness deep in my core. You are so much bigger and better than all of my fleeting emotions.

Keep my focus on You blessed God. Leading. Guiding. Focusing me on Your best for each of us. You are good. We love and greatly appreciate You.

Guide and direct us this day Dear Lord. Thank You. We love You. Amen.

(320 words ~ 7:56 a.m.)

♪ Take Courage ♪

Wednesday, June 5, 2019 (6:14 a.m.)
Tahoe Vista, CA
Holy God,

Thank You! I just woke up singing. With a bit of a smile. Thank You God.

Thank You for the times during the night that my thoughts turn to You. Whether quizzically, hopefully, wonderingly, thankfully, I believe it’s musically I like the best.

When just beginning to become aware of my surroundings my thoughts often go hither and yon. Seemingly in various directions. All at the same time. Thank You for the ways You bring them back around to You.

Often with just a word: Courage. Or a series of phrases: “Fear not.” “Do not be afraid.” Many times it’s the songs singing themselves deep into my being that get me up and straight to You.

Thank You Father. This morning it was a song from our church service on Sunday. One that often follows [or is that leads?] me throughout the week. This morning it’s ♪Take Courage♪ Yes Father. Courage. Not being afraid.

I just noticed another smile. I’ve asked in the past that You would broaden my smile. Make it more real. Genuine. Easy. Ready. While rarely the case, I am often aware when it’s actually there. Thanks Dad.

Far better than relying solely on the song is when I follow the charge [“Take courage.”] straight back to Your Word. There I find examples of those who relied on Your power and strength to guide and protect them.

Moses’ encouragement to the people of Israel (Deuteronomy 31:1-6) and to their new leader Joshua (vs. 7-8). Your own command to Joshua (23). David’s reliance on You in his shepherding days (1 Samuel 17:37) and against the giant Goliath (vs. 32-51). All the way over to Daniel’s Vision of A Messenger (Daniel 10:18-19).

There are so many ways to say, “Take courage.” Be strong. Do not fear. Be not afraid. Fear not!

Again Dearest Dad, I look to You. Asking You to continue empowering me to truly ♪Take courage! The harvest is ripe Lift up your voice because Jesus is alive…♪ Yes please Father! Courage that You provide.

Thank You. I love You. Use me this day exactly as You know is best. Amen.

(370 words ~ 9:09 a.m.)

Asking. Seeking. Knocking.

Tuesday, June 4, 2019 (6:55 a.m.)
Tahoe Vista, CA
Good Morning Lord,

I’m here. In person. Thoughts dart. Distractions are varied. I look to You Father. Asking You to intervene on my behalf.

Yes Father. I am asking. Seeking. Knocking (Matthew 7:7). Looking to You to guide me deep into Your Word. Leading me to where You would put my focus.
(8:29 a.m.)

I keep trying. Very much wanting to connect with You. Yet darting off again.

Father, I love You. Yep. There it is! I DO love You. Thoughts can take me off in so many different directions.

And then I find what it is I am seeking. Your perfect peace! Isaiah 26:3-4. “You will keep in perfect peace all who trust in You, whose thoughts are fixed on You! Trust in the LORD always, for the LORD GOD is the eternal Rock.”

“Eternal Rock” points me over to Matthew 7:24-25 where I was just earlier. “Building on a Solid Foundation Anyone who listens to my teaching and obeys me is wise, like a person who builds a house of solid rock. Though the rain comes in torrents and floodwaters rise and the winds beat against that house, it won’t collapse, because it is built on rock.”

Yes. Rock. Solid rock. Eternal Rock. Perfect peace.

The Life Recovery Bible’s comment for Isaiah 26:3 ends by reminding us, “… when we learn to work through the past and fix our thoughts on the Lord, we can receive His perfect peace.” Yes Father, I ask, seek and knock for Your perfect peace.

Thank You that we get to come before You. Distracted. Asking. Seeking. Knocking. And You provide. Guidance. Promises. Perfect peace.

Do all You must this day Blessed God. In, with, by, through and for us. We thank and praise You Lord. Use us. We love You. Thank You. Amen.

(320 words ~ 9:08 a.m.)


Monday, June 3, 2019 (8:17 a.m.)
Tahoe Vista, Ca
Blessed God,

Thank You. I’m not sure about what yet. Weather. Fun. Enjoyment. Yep. There it is. Enjoy was the word that kept coming to mind throughout the night. Thank You Father.

Psalm 111:1-10. The Message. “Hallelujah! I give thanks to GOD with everything I’ve got - … GOD’s works are so great, worth A lifetime of study - endless enjoyment! Splendor and beauty mark His craft; His generosity never gives out. His miracles are His memorial - This GOD of Grace, this GOD of love… All that He makes and does is honest and true: He paid the ransom for His people, He ordered His Covenant kept forever. He’s so personal and holy, worthy of our respect. The good life begins in the fear of GOD - Do that and you’ll know the blessing of GOD. His Hallelujah lasts forever!”

Thank You Father. I confess to You my own uncertainty and You provide direction. Thanks Dad! You ARE good. Holy. Worthy to be thanked and praised. And we do.

Thank You for continuing to make us more fully aware of Your goodness. Reminding us to enjoy! Yes Father. Enjoy; verb - like, love, be fond of, take pleasure in, delight in, appreciate, have fun…

Illustrated Bible Handbook says of this psalm, “Praise is due God for the steadfastness of His works.” There is always something for which to thank and praise You. Yes Father. Thank You for Your Word. Your promises. Your wisdom. Your Truth.

A Serenity Prayer devotional in The Life Recovery Bible starts by reminding, “When we lack wisdom, the storms of life can be devastating. When we find our life is in pieces, we may realize that we have acted unwisely and want to change, but where do we start?” Where indeed. With You! Your Word.

Continuing in the devotional, “Listening to what the Bible says is the next step toward walking in wisdom. Filling our mind with God’s instructions will help lead us to follow them… Turning our life over to God is a wise move! Like most aspects of recovery, walking in wisdom is a process that we grow into. These three elements are the groundwork: reverence for God, listening to His instructions, and following them.”

Yes Father, that’s where I need Your help! In following Your instructions. Otherwise they just fall on deaf ears.

I love You, Lord. You are truly where I find my enjoyment. In recognizing and affirming that You are behind it all. Do all You must in guiding, directing, instructing and making me ready, willing and especially able to follow Your lead.

I love You. I thank You. And I ask You all this in Your Son’s most holy name. Thank You Father. Amen.
(469 words ~ 10:52 a.m.)


Sunday, June 2, 2019 (1:50 p.m.)
Tahoe Vista, CA

Holy God,

Thank You! Safe travels. Necessary conversation. Interesting weather. And an outdoor musical event. Praise You Father for the blessings You provide us.

Thank You for the privilege of worshiping You in the beauty of this place. A lake that changes quickly from looking like glass one moment to a virtual ocean the next.

You amaze me Father. I get to sit here truly watching the weather change right before my eyes. Sunny. Stormy. Then sunny again. A perfect example of, “Don’t like the weather? Wait five minutes.”


Saturday, June 1, 2019 (7:57 a.m.)
Verdi, NV
Blessed, Holy God,

Thank You! You gifted us in so many incredible ways yesterday.

A three and a half pound trout? Caught in the rain. Complete with thunder. And hail. Amazing. Followed almost immediately by the tiniest of blue gill. Thank You Father. Talk about the long and short of things!

Yes Father, You have truly gifted us! Safe travels. Health information and options. Even a little bit of cash winnings, just for fun. Thank You Father. To You we give all praise and glory.
Lamentations 3:37-39

imbued ~ 5/31/19

Friday, May 31, 2019 (5:51 a.m.)
Mammoth Lakes, CA
Holy God,

Thank You!
(6:21 a.m.)
Yes Father. Thank You. Thank You. Thank You.

You provide us blessing after blessing. Beauty upon beauty. Just when we think we’ve enjoyed about all there is, wait… there’s more!

Friendly, helpful people. A gondola ride. Uninterrupted time to sit and watch others enjoy snow covered mountains. New to us places to fish. Rain. Hail. Thunder. All the while staying safe and warm. Thank You Father.

Thank You for the hopefulness involved with feeling better. And the desire to choose the things that truly lead to life (Deuteronomy 30:19).

Blessed God, I like when my thoughts lead me into Your Word. Today, like yesterday, I am reading of Moses’ Third Sermon: Chapters 29-30. A Call to Commitment (Illustrated Bible Handbook). Father, I love when it appears You are speaking directly to me.

Deuteronomy 29:19, “Let none of those who hear the warnings of this curse consider themselves immune, thinking, ‘I am safe, even though I am walking in my own stubborn way.’ This would lead to utter ruin!” (The Life Recovery Bible, NLT)

Holy God, I absolutely resemble that statement!

Thank You that when all is said and done, I long to be imbued [inspired or permeated with (a feeling or quality); saturated] with obedience to You. This is something I cannot manufacture on my own.

I look to You Blessed God. Asking Your blessing and keeping (Numbers 6:24). Your smile and gracious kindness (v. 25). Your favor and peace (26).

New Century Version Bible tells me, “To choose life is to love the LORD your God, obey Him and stay close to Him. He is your life, and He will let you live many years in the land, the land He promised to give your ancestors Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob” (Deuteronomy 30:20).

Mm, yes Father. I do choose life! In You. With You. By You. Through You. For You. Do all You must to make it so Dearest Lord. Thank You. I love You. I praise You. Amen.
(351 words ~ 7:30 a.m.)

Saturday, June 15, 2019

recourses ~ 5/30/19

Thursday, May 30, 2019 (6:23 a.m.)
Mammoth Lakes, CA
Hi God,

Mopey. Moody. And look at that. Alert! Thank You Father for giving us options. Choices. Alternatives. Recourses. Alerts to other possibilities. Yes. Thank You Father. Thank You Daddy God.

Left to my own devices I am inclined to behave so temperamentally. Petulantly. Thank You that You know all this and love me in spite of myself.

Thank You that I have Your Word in which to turn. Thank You that with Your Truth as our guide we are ever reminded of our choices. Yes. You presented them. Repeatedly. Through Your faithful followers. Thank You Father.

I had opportunity to come before You yesterday. Many times. I chose other indulgences instead. Forgive me Lord. Truly. Nothing is more valuable than time spent alone with You and Your Word.

How I thank You for this present circumstance. Beauty. Warmth. Language. Recourses.

Yes! Recourse: a source of help in a difficult situation. You are our Recourse! Always. Thank You.

Given my tendency to run hot or cold. All or nothing. I confess to being easily dissuaded. Thank You Father that You are more than ready, willing and able to provide Your perfect help in every single circumstance. Even with the words we choose.

How appropriate, in my mind’s eye, that this morning the word recourse led me straight to ESTHER The Book of Providential Care (Illustrated Bible Handbook). I get to read here of Esther’s Story. And once again I thank and praise You Father.

Thank You that You provide us hope, Your faithfulness, guidance and wisdom. Here I ask You to guide my learning.

Health issues have me seeking alternative treatments. The more I look into them the more confused I become. “Keeping it simple” doesn’t appear an easy option. And You know me. I like easy!

One well respected authority on health and wellness believes one way, while others dispute and disagree. Opinions and varying test studies contradict. All the while I plot and plan how to take the best of each and leave the rest. Help me Father!

So back and forth I go. One moment thinking, “I’ve got this! God and I can do anything” (Philippians 4:13). Followed almost immediately by wondering what I was thinking.

As I continue returning repeatedly to the book of Deuteronomy, again I shake my head in awe and wonder. It’s referred to in The Life Recovery Bible as “a handbook for rebuilders.” Thank You Father.

Thank You that I get to pour out my heart to You. And You not only listen, You guide. Direct. Care.

I am in a quandary Father. Not sure which way to turn. Who to trust or believe. Then I read in and of the lessons from Deuteronomy and I smile with hope. Blessed, Holy, Father God, thank You!

The Life Recovery Bible’s introduction to this book asks, “What might we do after failing persistently for almost forty years? How might we set out a new pattern for living?” It goes on to tell of the Israelites failings and their concerns about those “wasted” years.

“They were looking for ways to overcome the fear that had caused them to fail once before. They needed a controlling purpose, some practical steps, a few guidelines for action.” Sound like anyone we know?

“In the book of Deuteronomy, Moses gave them the guidelines they needed. Moses began by telling the people to learn from their history. He reminded them not only of their past failures but also of God’s mighty acts on their behalf. He encouraged them to use their past experiences - both good and bad - to set their faith on fire.”

Holy God, I am grateful for the ways You have worked in my life these past many years. You have not once left me alone. I look to You for help. Hope. Deliverance.

“Rebuilding a broken life is serious business. In Deuteronomy, God gives that subject His full attention. He gives us essential guidelines for God’s plan of victory. He shows how we can gain direction from the past, guidance for the presence, and hope for the future.” Sign me up Father!

You have given us freedom to choose (Deuteronomy 30:19a). Oh that I would indeed choose life! (v. 19b) “Choose to love the LORD your God and to obey Him and commit yourself to Him, for He is your life…” (20a).

Yes Father. Please. I DO love You! And I long to obey You and commit myself to You for You are my life. Let my choices, my recourses represent that desire. Be my Recourse, Father. My Source of help in a difficult situation.

This I pray in Jesus’ most holy and providential name. Thank You. I love You. Amen.
(797 words ~ 11:09 a.m.)