Monday, February 29, 2016

extra day

Leap Day, Monday, February 29, 2016 (6:50 a.m.)

Impressive, Spectacular, Loving, Mighty God,

There are so many words for describing You and a whole extra day on which to explore them. Yet I still come back to “Holy”.

♫Holy, Holy, Holy! Lord God Almighty! Early in the morning our song shall rise to Thee...

Father, I look to You. And immediately am overcome with emotion. Tears fill my eyes as I consider the words of this favored hymn. You are holy. Lord. God. Almighty. Merciful. Mighty. God in three Persons. Blessed Trinity.

Holy God, thank You that the referenced verse (Revelation 4:8b) describes You as “the One who always was, who is, and is still to come.” As I take this extra day to consider You and all You truly are, I ask You to guide my heart, my soul, my mind and my strength (Mark 12:30).

Lead me in loving You, and others (v. 31), as You command. Returning to the hymn of the morning, verse three reminds us that Only Thou art holy – there is none beside Thee, Perfect in pow'r, in love and purity

You are absolutely with Whom I long to spend this extra day. Work in me. Teach me. Do all You must in making me into the woman You would have me be. I love You Father. Happy Leap Day. I love You. Amen.

(233 words ~ 8:05 a.m.)

odd time

Sunday, February 28, 2016 (11:46 p.m.)
Most Holy and Mighty God,

It seems such an odd time to be awake. There was some good solid sleep. And now? Wide awake. And wondering.

So. I bring myself before You. Asking. Is there someone particular You would have me praying for? The friend who called much earlier, leaving a message about getting back with me? A much loved godson? Children? Grandchildren? Sibling? Long time ago friend celebrating her birthday today?

So many people come to mind as I consider one and connect another in my thinking. Thank You Father for this odd time of coming before You.

Thank You for leading me directly to Galatians 5:16-18, Living by the Spirit's Power. As I go back to bed, attempting more sleep, I ask You to provide exactly what is needed. I love You Father. I ask that You would be glorified. In my waking. Or my sleeping. I love You. Thank You. Amen.

(160 words ~ 12:07 a.m.)

Sunday, February 28, 2016

blessed and holy

Sunday, February 28, 2014 (6:04 a.m.)
Blessed, Holy God,

Thank You Father. Thank You that I can call You blessed and holy even when I don't actually know what that really means. Thank You that I get to come before You asking You to take me deeper into Your Word, exploring big thoughts.
(6:55 a.m.)
And the deeper I go, the more confused I become.

Holy God, how I ask You to help me keep things simple. Direct. I want to praise You. Learn more about how to do that. Along that same vein I long for others to be encouraged in loving, trusting and depending on You as well.

Thank You that in asking I am again led to Paul's letter “to strengthen the believers in Ephesus in their relationship with God and with each other” (The Life Recovery Bible THE BOTTOM LINE). In reading his Prayer for Spiritual Empowering (Ephesians 3:14-21) I also have the opportunity to explore an Illustrated Bible Handbook Theology in Brief entitled The Family of God.

Blessed and Holy God, while I may very well only be scratching the surface of understanding here, I am duly excited over what I am reading. I am eager to share [agog] phrases like: beautiful images; loving family, over which God is Father; quality of relationships; loved and supported by others who really care; see the church as people rather than an institution; Christ's incomprehensible love.

Thank You Father. Thank You that as I continue reading this brief theology, more illustrations are shown. “Christ's love, the greatest of all stimulants for growth, is communicated as Jesus loves us through one another.”

As I turn to another referred section of Scripture (Colossians 3:12-17) again my heart starts beating faster. I agree wholeheartedly! “Since God chose you to be the holy people whom He loves, you must clothe yourselves with tenderhearted mercy, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience. You must make allowance for each other's faults and forgive the person who offends you. Remember, the Lord forgave you, so you must forgive others. And the most important piece of clothing you must wear is love. Love is what binds us all together in perfect harmony.”

Holy, blessed God, thank You for once again boggling my brain. There is SO very much that I do not know. Can't comprehend. Is over my head. Thank You that my job here is to trust. YOU! Believe. Love. Forgive.

Continue Your work in me Blessed God. I love You. And I long to do it better. Thank You. I love You. Amen.
(425 words ~ 7:38 a.m.)

Saturday, February 27, 2016


Saturday, February 27, 2016 (7:54 a.m.)
Most Awesome, Holy God,

Thank You that You are awesome. Holy. The news today is scary. Sad. Distressing. Thank You that the antonym to distressing is comforting. Yes. Thank You.

My former self used to get caught up in the anguish and suffering. Thank You that You call us to look to YOU in all instances.

Yes Father. Thank You that we get to turn to You. Your Word. Your Truth. Your promises and hope. Looking for comfort in The Life Recovery Bible's TOPICAL INDEX I get to: “(see also Holy Spirit, Peace)”.

Hallelujah Jesus! It's a phrase I said yesterday. A song with which I awoke this morning. A constant reminder of Your awesome holiness.

There are some scary, very sad events taking place this day. There is also much hope and joy and comfort to be found when we turn (y)our eyes upon Jesus! It doesn't always come naturally. Oh, but when we remember! The blessings of peace and comfort abound.

Just now, in reading Healing the Brokenness BIBLE READING: Psalm 51:16-19 I am blessed by the words, “Facing the fact that brokenness is part of the human condition can be crushing.” But You don't leave us with that truth.

No! Reading to the end of topic, “Jesus taught that 'God blesses those who mourn, for they will be comforted' (Matthew 5:4). God isn't looking for evidence of how good we are or how hard we try. He only wants us to mourn over our sins and admit our brokenness. Then He will not ignore our needs but will forgive us, comfort us, and cleanse us” (The Life Recovery Bible).

There is goodness in this world! We don't see it everyday. It's not easily spotted. We often have to look for it long and hard. But when we do look for it by turning our eyes upon You, we are comforted. Reassured. Soothed. Calmed. Cheered. Heartened. Encouraged.

Thank You Father. Thank You Jesus. Thank You Holy Spirit for the comforting presence that You provide. It is in You we trust. Scary, sad, distressing things abound but “the Spirit who lives in me is greater than the spirit who lives in the world” (1John 4:4).

Keep speaking to us Blessed Lord. Continue Your work in, with, by, through and for each of us. We love You. We long to see You glorified and enjoyed. Worshiped and adored. Do all You must. We love You. Amen.

(409 words ~ 10:52 a.m.)

Friday, February 26, 2016

"Thank You!"

Friday, February 26, 2016 (6:57 a.m.)
Blessed God,

Thank You! You have blessed and provided us with thirty-nine years of marriage. Thirty-nine years! Thank You Father. It is ALL because of You that we are here together this morning saying, “Thank You!”

Holiest God, we have simple plans to celebrate this day. We want to glorify and enjoy You and all You have done for us through these many years.

Go on ahead of us. Yet be right here with us. Continue Your work in each of us. We love You. We long to serve You. And we truly ask (Matthew 7:7) You to do all You must in making us the people You would have us be.

Taking a certain liberty with Psalm 139, I insert the words “our”, “us” and “we” where appropriate. You know every single thing there is to know about each of us individually and collectively. You ARE the One in charge of our union. We give You all the praise and the glory.

We love You Father. And we ask You to join us in this our day of celebration. Thank You for bringing us this far together. Continue Your work and Your plan. Thank You. We love You. Amen.
(207 words ~ 9:12 a.m.)

Thursday, February 25, 2016

little boys, big ouchies

Thursday, February 25, 2016 (6:35 a.m.)
Blessed Holy God,
(7:09 a.m.)
Yes! Blessed Holy God,

You alone are good. Holy. Perfect. Awesome. Powerful. Loving. Wonderful. And we live in a fallen world where little boys get big ouchies and are hearts break and our eyes fill with tears.

Holy God, as I come to You this morning the keyboard is blurred by my tears. Tears of joy. Relief. Concern. Sadness. They're all in there. Thank You that so are You!

We are not left here in this world on our own (John 14:16; 26-27). We are not without hope. I confess to You right now that I do not know how to fully incorporate the power that is offered through Your Holy Spirit into my everyday being.

I pray. I quote Scriptures. I ask. And seek. And even knock. Yet still I falter. Waver. And begin all over again.

Yes, Father. Thank You for every single instance when You prompt us to turn again to You. Your Word. Your Truth. Your promises. The Bible is chock-full of reminders of Your love. Trustworthiness. Faithfulness. Power. Strength.

And may I just take a sidebar here to shout out an eager and excited “Thank You” for what initially appears to be, yet is not, a completely unrelated area! The word mnemonic. “Aiding or designed to aid the memory; of or relating to the power of memory”. Exciting stuff found here Blessed God. Truly exciting stuff!

And so it goes... I start out trusting You, wanting You and get sidetracked with other learning. Bring me back to the learning devices I need in order to stand firm (2 Thessalonians 2:15) in You. To allow my “roots to grow down into Him and draw up nourishment from Him” so I will “grow in faith, strong and vigorous in the Truth” I was taught. Letting our lives “overflow with thanksgiving for all He has done” (Colossians 2:7).

Holy, Blessed, Father God. I love You. I long to serve You. I desperately want to do it faithfully and well. Take the little boys of my heart and their great big ouchies and make them strong. In You. By You. With, through and for You! I love You Father. Thank You. Use us well this day I pray. Amen.

(380 words ~ 8:25 a.m.)

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

choosing life

Wednesday, February 24, 2016 (7:00 a.m.)
Blessed God,

Thank You for sleep. Thank You for rest. Thank You for time to wake up considering You and singing songs that lead me right back To Your Word.

♫Holy Spirit, You Are Welcome Here, Come flood this place and fill the atmosphere. Your glory God is what our hearts long for To be overcome by Your presence, Lord

Thank You Father for the opportunity to come to You with our every single thought. Hope. Concern. Holy God, I confess to fearing again.

My mind tends to take off in directions that contain phrases like “what if...”, “what was”, “could be”, “should be”, “might”, “might not”. These are not helpful God glorifying uses of my thoughts.

Thank You Father, that Your Word interrupts and redirects my thinking. Humming Que Sera, Sera just earlier reminded me that “whatever will be will be” and “the future's not ours to see”. Considering the word 'whatever' my mind went immediately to Philippians 4:8.

“Whatsoever things are: true, honest, just, pure, lovely, of good report, if there be any virtue and if there be any praise, think on these things” (KJV).

Holy God whenever my mind's thinking gets interrupted by Your Word, I fall back to the Truth found in Deuteronomy 30:19. “Today I have given you the choice between life and death, between blessings and curses. I call on heaven and earth to witness the choice you make. Oh, that you would choose life, that you are your descendants might live!”

That's exactly what happens every single time my mind shifts from the trap of fearful thinking. Most blessed, holy God, only You are good. Only You provide the power and strength we need to live as You would have us live. Freely. Joyfully. Abundantly.

Father, You teach us continuously to choose life in, with, by, through and for You. You remind us to be strong in Your mighty power (Ephesians 6:10), alert and persistent in prayer (v. 19), faithful even unto death (Revelation 2:10) and earnest and repentant (3:19).

It's only You that provides such hope. Back to the original song of the morning There's nothing worth more that will ever come close. No thing can compare, You're our living hope. Your presence, Lord. I've tasted and seen of the sweetest of loves Where my heart becomes free, and my shame is undone By Your presence, Lord. Let us become more aware of Your presence. Let us experience the glory of Your goodness.”

Holy God, there are so very many things in our day to day lives that I could choose to fear. Thank You that the Truth is YOU are all I am to fear!

Please continue reminding me what the Common English Bible tells us, “the peace of God that exceeds all understanding will keep your hearts and minds safe in Christ Jesus. From now on, brothers and sisters, if anything is excellent and if anything is admirable, focus your thoughts on these things: all that is true, all that is holy, all that is just, all that is pure, all that is lovely, and all that is worthy of praise” (Philippians 4:7-8).

I want Your peace. That is exactly why I am choosing life. In You! Continue Your work Blessed God. I love You. Thank You. Amen.

(557 words ~ 8:48 a.m.)

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

very early

Tuesday, February 23, 2016 (3:05 a.m.)
Blessed Father,

Good very early morning.
(7:18 a.m.)
And may I add, very tiring!

Blessed Father, thank You for the opportunity to come before You long before and then again after the sun had risen. Thank You that I get to read of very early morning events in Your Word. Probably most prominent is the very early Sunday morning when “the women went to the tomb, carrying the spices they had prepared” (Mark 16:2; Luke 24:1).

Today I am drawn to the very early morning when “Jesus got up and went to a place where He could be alone and pray” (Mark 1:35). The part of that I identify with is getting up very early and going to a place I can be alone and pray.

Where I diverge is in not being able to stay focused or awake. Jesus actually went out in the dark to a deserted, lonely spot and stayed there praying. Blessed Father, how I thank You for His example.

Thank You for the comment in The Life Recovery Bible of this section (1:35-39). “If Jesus, the Son of God, took time from His busy schedule to pray to His Father, how much more do we need to do so.” True that!

Continuing, “By placing a high priority on prayer, Jesus could persevere in His ministry and keep from burning out.” Most Dear and Blessed God, how I thank You for opportunities to come before You!

We who seek recovery for ourself and for others cannot get by without prayer. The busier the day ahead, the more we need to meditate on God's Word and pray for His strength and wisdom.” Mm. Yes, please. Your Word. Your strength. Your wisdom.

Holy God, thank You for calling us to You. Thank You for teaching us to depend solely on You. Thank You for the Truth of Your Word. Thank You for reminders to “Trust in the LORD with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding” (Proverbs 3:5).

Guide me this day. My heart. My soul. My mind. My strength. Do in, with, by, through and for me all that You wish. I love You. I long to serve You. And I seek to do it well. Thank You for Your love and for Your sacrifice. I love You. Thank You. Amen.
(395 words ~ 10:48 a.m.)

"Priceless Gain of Knowing Christ"

Monday, February 22, 2016 (6:37 a.m.)
Holy God,

Thank You. Thank You for the creature comforts we so regularly take for granted. Thank You for all of the blessings You so readily provide. We are grateful. Truly grateful.

Blessed Father, I confess to not only taking Your blessings for granted but for coming to expect them as well. It seems so crass when I spell it out for You like that. How I ask You to work in me.

According to The Life Recovery Bible commentary for Philippians 3:4-11 the apostle “Paul made a detailed inventory of his past behaviors – including his religious activities – and found nothing worth holding on to. He threw out his past life and replaced it with his new life in Christ.”

Speaking to a woman with issues regarding letting go of things this section rings especially true. Illustrated Bible Handbook tells that Paul “has found a dynamic power for righteous living which comes through faith in Christ.”

It is that dynamic power I have experienced on occasion that keeps me returning to the foot of the cross. Asking, seeking, knocking (Matthew 7:7) for more.

How I truly thank You for the ready access of completing the partial verses of Scripture that come into my head as I pray out to You. “The apostle Paul counts it all...” (Philippians 3:8) and “Faith without action is dead” (James 2:17). These verses leading me to firmly depend on “The Priceless Gain of Knowing Christ”. Mm, priceless gain. Yes!

Blessed Father God, as I prepare to go out into a fairly busy day, I ask You to guide my heart, soul, mind and strength (Mark 12:30). I long to love You as You would have me love. And my neighbors as myself (v. 31). Teach me how to fully live this day in and through Your Son's “dynamic power for righteous living”. Yes. Please.

I love You Father. Thank You. Amen.
(324 words ~ 7:43 a.m.)

appreciating God

Sunday, February 21, 2016 (7:08 a.m.)
Blessed God,

Thank You for rest. Growth. Changes. Different ways of thinking and doing things. You are so very good to us. And we appreciate You.

Thank You that in full on appreciating You I am again reminded of Your strength being demonstrated in Paul's weakness (2 Corinthians 12:7-10).

Holy. Good.

Friday, February 19, 2016 (9:08 a.m.)
Anaheim, CA
Holy, Holy God ~

Thank You that You are holy. Good.
(9:59 a.m.)

Tell me ~ what does that mean? You are holy. You are good. Looking in Holman Bible Dictionary. Primary meanings:
  1. “to be set apart”
  2. “perfect, transcendent, or spiritually pure, evoking adoration and reverence”
  3. “something or someone who evokes 'veneration or awe, being frightened beyond belief'”
  4. “filled with superhuman and potential fatal power”

“God is unsearchable, incomprehensible, incomparable, great, wonderful, and exalted. His name is Holy.”

“Fire is the symbol of holy power”

“the biblical concept [of good] focuses on concrete experiences of what God has done and is doing in the lives of God's people.”

“God alone is truly good (Ps 14:1,3; Mark 10:18).”

“Christians have been saved in order to do good (Eph. 2:10; Col. 1:10) with the Holy Spirit's help.”

Holy Spirit You Are Welcome Here

“goodman – KJV husband; head of household”

So much to learn and even more to ponder. I start to think I'm getting a clue when my head nods and my spirit quickens. Then a question mark interrupts my thinking. Father, here I can only thank You.

Thank You for all You are doing in, through, by, with and for us. It is evident. You are holy. Good. And we are grateful. Use us to Your holiness and goodness this day. Continue Your work in fining and refining us. We are Yours and we are grateful. Thank You Father. We love You. Amen.

(11:03 a.m.)

Exceedingly. Abundantly.

Thursday, February 18, 2016 (6:53 p.m.)
Anaheim, CA
Hallelujah Jesus!

Truly. Really. Honestly. Hallelujah! The sound of giggles coming from the other room far outweighs any grumbling and growling that had previously taken place throughout the day. Jesus, You have truly blessed us this week. Exceedingly. Abundantly.

Mm. And now I get to sit in the quiet of a different room and allow another grandparent to take over the nighttime duties. Why? Because I asked for what I wanted. Why? Because that's what You've been teaching us to do. Thank You Jesus. Yes indeed. Thank You.

Mm. Yes. Thank You for Your excess and abundance. In various versions Ephesians 3:20 says, “Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us”.

The Living Bible tells us, “Now glory be to God, who by His mighty power at work within us is able to do far more than we would ever dare to ask or even dream of – infinitely beyond our highest prayers, desires, thoughts, or hopes.”

And The Message, “God can do anything, you know – far more than you could ever imagine or guess or request in your wildest dreams! He does it not by pushing us around but by working within us, His Spirit deeply and gently within us.” Hallelujah Jesus indeed!

Before continuing with Scripture, The Voice goes so far as to boldly subhead this section by saying This is a doxology of praise to the One with power that is beyond understanding. “Now to the God who can do so many awe-inspiring things, immeasurable things, things greater than we could ever ask or imagine through the power at work in us”.

Yes! “The power at work in us”. Thank You God. Keep working in us. I love You. Amen.
(304 words ~ 8:51 p.m.)

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

his lips, Your ears...

Wednesday, February 17, 2016 (7:50 p.m.)
Oh Most Holy God,

I don't need to tell You what kind of day this was. Stalled traffic on the freeway with few snacks in the vehicle. What was planned as a quick and easy trip with lunch once we arrived ended almost two hours later with two very hungry children and two exhausted adults.

Back and forth the accusations went. Decisions not to bring adequate provisions and choosing to take one freeway over another all because of the time of day didn't pan out well for any of us. Father, thank You that we are all still hugging and loving each other.

Moods ran the gamut. Short tempers. Fatigue. Grumpiness. Giddy, silliness due to lack of sleep. And the break your heart prayer of a four year old confessing our states of mind and asking that we all do better tomorrow.

Wow! Go figure. Thank You Father. Thank You for the snuggles and the giggles. Thank You for the sweet natures that worm their ways through the sassiness. Thank You for the chance to do it all better tomorrow. His lips, Your ears I pray Blessed God. His lips, Your ears.

We love You God. We praise You. We worship and adore You. Oh Lord, here they come again...

His lips, Your ears...
(220 words ~ 8:12 p.m.)

God's Truth

Wednesday, February 17, 2016 (9:59 a.m.)
Holiest God,

Thank You! Thank You for Truth. YOUR Truth. THE Truth. Thank You that we get to practice It. Learn about It. Live It.

Blessed God, I truly don't even know what exactly this means. I do however know that we are better for It.

You so loved the world that You sent Your One and Only Son so that everyone who believes in Him shall not perish but will have everlasting life (John 3:16). That's big stuff. Huge!

Thank You that even though I can barely begin to scratch the surface of understanding the magnitude of Your greatness still I get to live each day in Your presence. Surrounded by Your goodness and Your grace.

It is indeed Your grace which allows me time and time again to turn to You. Asking, seeking, knocking (Matthew 7:7). Thank You Father.

Thank You that the more I look into Your Word, the more I find. Thank You that this morning in seeking to learn more about Your Truth I again came across Psalm 86:11. Amplified Bible tells us, “Teach me Your way, O LORD, I will walk and live in Your Truth; Direct my heart to fear Your name [with awe-inspired reverence and submissive wonder].”

Awe-inspired reverence and submissive wonder. What would that look like? Oh, here it is according to the Easy-to-Read Version. “Help me make worshiping Your name the most important thing in my life.”

More important than TV and puzzles and dishes and lists and things? Yeah. And again I ask, what would that look like? Holiest, Loving-est Father I'd like to find out!

New International Reader's Version beginning with verse 10 and ending with 12. “You are great. You do wonderful things. You alone are God. LORD, teach me how You want me to live. Do this so that I will depend on You, my faithful God. Give me a heart that doesn't want anything more than to worship You. Lord my God, I will praise You with all my heart. I will bring glory to You forever.”

Mm, yes Father, make me a lover and liver of Your Truth. I love You. Amen.

(362 words ~ 11:42 a.m.)

begin agains

Tuesday, February 16, 2016 (7:55 p.m.)
Anaheim, CA
Holy Father,

Forgive me. I've put a whole lot of fluff in the way of spending any amount of quality time with You. You are good. And holy. Awesome. Forgiving. And I take it all for granted just 'cause I might like to watch something on TV instead of turning everything off and just being with You instead.

Forgive me. Yes. What blessings You provide. Fun. Travels. Boyish, childhood giggles. Growl, grumps and little jumps. Spins, grins and begin agains You are always in our midst. Thank You that we do get to begin again. Over and over.

Thank You for the work You do in changing our hearts, our attitudes, our lives. You are so very good to us Blessed Father. So much better than we could ever deserve. Thank You that You provide us with countless begin agains. Empower and enable us to use them as You would have us.

Thank You for loving us so incredibly much. Guide my heart, soul, mind and strength, gearing me to be the woman You wold have me be. Loving. Kind. Peaceful. Joyful. Thank You. I love You. Amen.
(198 words ~ 8:23 p.m.)

Friday, February 12, 2016

brand new adventure

Friday, February 12, 2016 (7:17 a.m.)
Most Holy God,

Thank You. We're starting a brand new adventure today. Huge travel plans have been made and are soon to be executed. Blessed Father we invite You into every aspect and interchange between all involved.

Dearest Blessed Daddy God be in our hearts, souls, minds and strength as we each seek to do Your best these next ten days. You know every single challenge and joy we will each encounter. Keep all of our focus directly on You.

Thank You that this morning I have the opportunity to once again become agog with You. I noticed my heart quicken and my soul smile as I practically devoured the reading of Paul's words to the believers living in Corinth.

“Just think – you don't need a thing, you've got it all! All God's gifts are right in front of you as you wait expectantly for our Master Jesus to arrive on the scene for the Finale. And not only that, but God Himself is right alongside to keep you steady and on track until things are all wrapped up by Jesus. God, who started you in this spiritual adventure, shares with us the life of His Son and our Master Jesus. He will never give up on you. Never forget that” (The Message, 1 Corinthians 1:7-9).

Just think! I don't need a thing. I've got it all! I do. I really do. Thank You Father. Thank You that You love and care for us so very much.

Be with every single one of us involved in this brand new adventure we are beginning this morning. Guard us. Guide us. Empower and embolden us. We love You so very much and we long to glorify and enjoy You forever. Make it so Blessed Father. Thank You. I love You. Amen.

(307 words ~ 8:05 a.m.)

Thursday, February 11, 2016

choose and use

Thursday, February 11, 2016 (6:26 a.m.)
Blessed God,

Good morning. Yes, it is indeed a good morning. Sleep was had. People woke up. We have coffee brewing. The dog is coming back inside, wagging her tail and ready to play.

I often wonder, what would it be like to have that kind of unabashed energy. Can we look into that this morning?

Holy God, You know better than I the love I have for words and their meanings. I work hard to choose and use them well. This morning I ask You to help me to this end.

Oh most dear and awesome God, thank You for hearing and directing me. The Wisdom of God (1 Corinthians 1:18-31). Holy Father, how I love learning more of the things You would have me know.

I often look up the meanings of words to make sure I am choosing and using them appropriately. This morning's? Unabashed. Which led to fearless. Brazen. Bold.

Father, it's when I look to You and Your Word that I get to filter what I think I want to be over to all You would have me be. This morning I ask You to show me where and how best to use my energies this day. I love You. I long to serve You. And I want to do it well. As YOU would have me.

Lead me that I would follow. I read Your Word. I get excited. Agog. I smile. Agree. And sing out Yes, Lord, Yes Embolden me to choose and use Your power this day. Thank You. I love You. Amen.
(267 words ~ 8:20 a.m.)

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

confession of powerlessness

Mardi Gras Tuesday, February 9, 2016 (6:29 a.m.)
Holiest God,

I made a mistake. Rather than come straight to You, thanking and praising You for very deep, easy, restful sleep, I started searching things on the internet. Big mistake. Huge. I am now in tears. There is such sadness in my heart.

Today is Mardi Gras. Fat Tuesday. For many it's a day of great revelry. For me? I'm again overcome by sorrow. Always it is the reminder of a dear nephew's Ash Wednesday passing. Father, I turn again to You.

I have the choice. I get to choose. I can think of the sadness and loss. Or I can remember better times. Blessed Father, even as I consider looking in the direction of the better I confess great heartache there as well.

Father, You know far better than I the resentment I hold in my heart for those I consider to be mean, despicable people. Forgive me I pray that I would in turn forgive. Here again I start to ready myself. I begin to thank You and praise You, only to begin building my case against those I judge as vile and cruel.

Wow! Such a huge degree of unpleasantness I harbor. Here I ask You Father, break my heart of stone (Ezekiel 36:26). This grudge I hold serves no one well. I look to You Dearest God. Asking, seeking, knocking (Matthew 7:7). And yes. Confessing my powerlessness.

Most Holy God, I am powerless to forgive on my own. I've tried. I've prayed. But have I ever truly confessed to You the disdain, the near hatred, I feel toward a family that I believe has hurt my own so much through the years?

I do that with You now Blessed God. I ask You to forgive me for my own unwillingness to let go of the pain I continue to hold. Teach me to love those I deem completely unworthy. I love You God. And in loving You, I have always known I must also love “them”. Do in, with, by, for and through me that which I absolutely cannot do on my own.

Manifest Your message to Ezekiel (36:24-28, The Message) for the exiled Jews through me this day. “For here's what I'm going to do: I'm going to take you out of these countries, gather you from all over, and bring you back to your own land. I'll pour water over you and scrub you clean. I'll give you a new heart, put a new spirit in you. I'll remove the stone heart from your body and replace it with a heart that's God-willed, not self-willed. I'll put my Spirit in you and make it possible for you to do what I tell you and live by my commands. You'll once again live in the land I gave your ancestors. You'll be my people! I'll be your God!”

Oh, yes. Blessed Father, do all You must that I can truly love as You would have me love and live as You would have me live. I love You. I ask You. I praise You. And I thank You. Amen.
(523 words ~ 7:36 a.m.)

Monday, February 8, 2016

tipping the scales

Monday, February 8, 2016 (6:42 a.m.)
Holy God,

Thank You! You changed my growls and grumbles to a degree of gratitude. Thank You Father. I'll take gratitude any time I can get it.

Oh, and look here, a smile. Yes, thank You. Thank You that You are good. Holy. Faithful. Thank You that every single time I put my focus on all the things You are, instead of what I am not, You tip the scales back to where they so rightfully belong.

Yes. Thank You Father for always tipping the scales to You. Your praise. Your glory. Thank You for the work You continue doing in our hearts, our souls, our minds and our strength. Thank You that You do indeed love us so incredibly much.

Thank You that the chorus of song that ran through my mind early, early this morning cried out to You Holy Spirit, You are welcome here Come flood this place and fill the atmosphere Mm, yes Father, come. Thank You. I love You. Amen.
(171 words ~ 7:05 a.m.)

Sunday, February 7, 2016


Sunday, February 7, 2016 (6:16 a.m.)
Holy God,

Good morning. Hi. Hello. I love You. So often I come before You and it's easy to get started in praise and adoration. Others, like this morning, I am mentally distracted.

Blessed Father, thank You that I even get to confess distractedness to You. And what would be the antonym to distracted? Attentive. Yes! God, I long to be attentive to You. Heedful. Thoughtful. Engrossed.

Mm, yes Father. Do all You must to bring my thoughts back around to You. You are good. You are holy. We are blessed to be considered Your children. And how I thank You for the examples You have provided us in Your Word of people who were attentive to You and Your leading.

Nehemiah (Chapter 1) is where I land this morning. Encouraged by the history. Commitment. Courage. The Life Recovery Bible describes Nehemiah's “organizational skills and leadership abilities”. He was willing to take risks and be honest with his emotions (Chapter 2).

The Recovery Profile for this “man of prayer and unshakable commitment” to You encourages us “to realize that no matter how often we fail, God is still waiting to lead us back to His way of life.” Mm. Your way of life!

Blessed Father God, how I truly thank You for leading me to paying attention to You. Your Word. The rebuilding that can take place in our lives when we turn to and depend on You. Such hope.

Use me this day, Dearest God. Exactly as You wish. I love You. I long to serve You. And I thank You. Really, truly thank You Father. Amen.

(274 words ~ 7:44 a.m.)

Saturday, February 6, 2016

"Wow!" and "Thank You!"

Saturday, February 6, 2016 (7:14 a.m.)
Holy God,

Thank You. Thank You for loving us so very much. Thank You that You would have us each love as You do. Thank You that You don't leave us to our own devices to figure out how to do it. Thank You that You gave us Your Word, as well as Your Son to teach us exactly that.

Wow! Can I just simply say, “Wow!” and expect that You know exactly what I'm talking about? The Life Recovery Bible's description of why the apostle John wrote of his experiences with Jesus. “To reveal Jesus as the Son of God and show that by faith in Him we can experience true love, forgiveness, and recovery.” Wow!

Wow! And thank You. Beginning with the very first verse of the book, “In the beginning the Word already existed. He was with God, and He was God” (John1:1). I confess to You right now, I have never fully “gotten” the significants of this powerful Truth.

I know it's something really big. And each time I come before It there's an excitement that truly stirs within. Thank You Father for the ways You teach us.

Thank You that You continue offering the snippets of Truth we need exactly as You know are needed to form the foundation on which we can stand to proclaim Your Truth. In choosing what to include in his writings John (20:30-31; The Voice) said, “Jesus performed many other wondrous signs that are not written in this book. These accounts are recorded so that you, too, might believe that Jesus is the Anointed, the liberating King, the Son of God, because believing grants you the life He came to share.”

Oh Hallelujah! Thank You. And Wow! I get to choose to believe that “Jesus Christ is Lord” and in so doing 'He will give me power to live' (v.31b; Worldwide English).

Blessed, Holy God, I do not pretend to understand the significants of this. But believe I do. Wholeheartedly. I watch You work. In amazement. I see relationships heal and grow only because of You. And again I say, “Wow!” and “Thank You!”

Use me this day as You wish. Grow me. Exactly as You wish. I love You Father. Thank You. Amen.
(380 words ~ 8:32 a.m.)

Friday, February 5, 2016

Christ's incomprehensible love

Friday, February 5, 2016 (6:23 a.m.)
Forever Father,

Thank You. You are good. You are holy. Loving. Faithful. And we are truly blessed to be loved by You.

Mm. Loved by You. Yes. We are so blessed! Thank You.

I get to sit here. Reading Your Word. Being truly grateful as I seek to grasp just a little more understanding of what all is encompassed in “Christ's incomprehensible love”. It's a phrase I just read in Illustrated Bible Handbook under the Theology in Brief titled The Family of God (Ephesians 3:14-19).

Blessed Father, how truly grateful I am to have the opportunity to pause, sit, be still and know (Psalm 46:10) that You alone are our One True God. Oh how I honestly thank You. Praise You. Fall on my face to worship and adore You.

And here I am, right back to this incredible section of Your Truth (Ephesians 3:18), sincerely asking for “the power to understand, as all God's people should, how wide, how long, how high and how deep His love really is.”

I love You Father. I trust You. I depend on You. Lean into You. Call upon You. Praise You. Thank You. Ask You to continue Your work in growing me into the woman You created me to be. I love You. Thank You. Use me as You wish this day. Thank You. I love You. Amen.
(232 words ~ 7:52 a.m.)

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Romans 12:2

Thursday, February 4, 2016 (6:14 a.m.)
Awesome, Holy God,

I love You. How do we best proceed? I love You. You are good. And I'm confessing feeling tired. Downcast... And grateful. Grateful because Your Word tells me to “give thanks in all circumstances” (1 Thessalonians 5:18).

Thank You Father that this I can do only because I believe You to be good and that You know exactly what You are doing. That said I confess to not always remembering the preceding verse, “Keep on praying” (v. 17).

Even bigger than that is my own inability to adhere to the simplicity of verse sixteen. “Always be joyful.” The Truth of these verses do not come easily nor readily to me. You know my tendency to lean toward negative thoughts rather than positive.

This habit I bring to You this morning. I could spend hours [days really] grousing about my own perceived inadequacies. Instead I turn to Romans 12:2 (New Life Version). Here I ask You to do all You must in empowering me to readily 'let You change my life.' Truly I long to 'let You give me a new mind.'

“Then you will know what God wants you to do. And the things you do will be good and pleasing and perfect.” What would that even be like? Honestly, I want to know!

Yes, Father. My thinking may very well be twisted. Distorted. Filled with fear. But You are far bigger than any fear I can ever imagine. You are True. Just. Righteous. And I get to come before You gratefully thanking You for every single change You have made in me thus far.

Thank You God. Thank You God. Thank You that You love each of us so incredibly much. Do all You must that I would truly live this day in, with, by, through and for Your love. Thank You Father. I love You. Amen.

(318 words ~ 7:41 a.m.)

moment by moment plannings

Wednesday, February 3, 2016 (6:48 a.m.)
Holy God,

Thank You. There were impromptu prayers offered to You yesterday. Completely unplanned, they were the automatic responses to circumstances. Thank You, Father. Thank You for the presence of mind to realize that all things lost, be they feelings or actual items, are best brought to You.
(7:55 a.m.)

Blessed Father, I confess to being easily distracted this morning. Turn my full attention back to You where it so rightfully belongs. I love You Father.

I love You. I need You. I want You. I ask You. Father, please guide, direct, manage and guard my heart, my soul, my mind and my strength. You are what matters in all of our day to day, moment by moment plannings.

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

God is best

Tuesday, February 2, 2016 (6:28 a.m.)
Grumpy. Growly. Out of sorts.

Blessed Father, I look to You to change my attitude. My heart. My way of thinking. Thank You that You are good. You are holy. Awesome. Amazing. Big. Huge. Best.

Yes! Thank You Holy God that You are best! Thank You Father that I get to come before You Just as I Am Thank You that You provide us the freedom to choose You. Or not. Thank You Father. Thank You. Thank You. Thank You.

Thank You that this morning my demeanor changed quickly from dread and dragging to eager and excited just by changing my focus. Turning to You and Your Word has energized me where just before there was little strength or power. Thank You Father.

Thank You for ready access to Your Word. Thank You for the privilege of seeking and finding hope and Truth in You. Psalm 81:6-10 helps my heart beat hopefully, my mind think more clearly. It's You Blessed God. All You!

The Life Recovery Bible comment on this section of Scripture states clearly, “With great power, God takes the burden away from His people and delivers them when they cry out to Him. God warns us over and over not to allow any person or thing to take His place in our life.” Oh, yes Father!

“Trusting any resource or power other than God is foolishness. He is far more powerful than any other possible means of deliverance. Only He can satisfy our deepest need; all we need to do is look to Him for help.” This is what I just did. I brought You my negative thinking and You provided me Your best. Truth. Hope. Love.

We have “stuff” to do today. Places to go. People to see. Envelop us in Your strength. Your powerful presence. Blessed Father God, I love You. I need You. And I ask You to provide me exactly what You know is needed. You are best Blessed God. And I am grateful.

Use me. Guide me. Guard me. Thank You. I love You. Amen.

(349 words ~ 7:32 a.m.)

Monday, February 1, 2016

"Thank You, God"

Monday, February 1, 2016 (7:40 a.m.)
Blessed God,

I came home from errands yesterday saying, “Thank You, God. Thank You, God. Thank You, God.” The plan was to come right straight here and continue offering You my most sincere praise. Just as I began the process, an offer of social activity was accepted. Here again I begin offering my most heartfelt, “Thank You, God.”

Thank You for friends. Family. Healing. Truth. Love. Hope. Thank You for the jazzy rendition of O Happy Day! performed by the guest musician in church yesterday. A soul tapping offering that immediately brought tears to my eyes.

Blessed God, thank You. Thank You for a different beat with which to sing familiar words. Happy day, happy day, When Jesus washed my sins away! He taught me to watch [fight] and pray And live rejoicing every day

Live rejoicing every day.” Father, I confess. I far too often forget to do exactly that. Looking to the verse (Isaiah 25:9) associated with this popular hymn has me reading the entire chapter. Blessed God, thank You for the Truth and hope that is found in loving, trusting and believing in You.

Holy God, do all You must that I would indeed live this day truly rejoicing. I love You. I long to serve You. And I most sincerely ask that You continue Your work in my heart, soul, mind and strength. I love You. Thank You, God. Amen.
(241 words ~ 8:41 a.m.)