Saturday, March 27, 2021

"glorify and enjoy"

 Saturday, March 27, 2021 (7:01 a.m.)

Mm, Father,

I prayed the phrase “glorify and enjoy” with a friend yesterday. Immediately confessing to not fully understanding its meaning.

Yes Lord. I’ve known and recited the principle for decades. “The chief end of mankind is to glorify God and enjoy Him forever.” Again I wonder. How do we do this?

Reading on the internet a sermon by Noel Mann I get to explore new to me understandings. Thank You Father.

Speaking of his own insecurities in this message delivered in 2012 Mr. Mann shares his belief that “God takes special delight when He works through our weaknesses.” I smile as I playfully wonder how delighted you must be with me.

And just as quickly I remember how often I believe You to be disappointed with my choices! What would it be like to truly do everything for Your glory?

John Piper is referenced in this sermon. Having summarized that You are ‘most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in You.’ What an incredibly freeing concept God.

I confess to overthinking and under accomplishing. I so often get stuck in my own distorted thought patterns.

Thank You Lord that we get to call out to You. Turn to Your Word (Psalm 16:11; 37:3-6; 73:25-26; 86:7-12). Read Your Truth. Believe Your promises. Trust in You.

♪… with all our hearts and lean not on our own understanding In all our ways acknowledge You and You will direct our paths♪ (Proverbs 3:5-6).

Here again I confess to thinking the worst, not the best. Especially about myself. I pick at my own faults. Almost like a child with a healing wound. Work in me Dearest God.

Quoting the end of this sermon, I ask You Blessed Father to do all You must to Your good end. “If God has so intricately put me together, can I trust Him to have a plan and a purpose for my life?

“Getting back to our initial question, does God want us to be happy and satisfied? I would say on the basis of [these] Scriptures that He does. We exist to glorify and enjoy God. God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in Him. We are most deeply satisfied when we taste God’s glory.

“The purpose of this message is to encourage us to pursue our relationship with God. We can experience some of the joy of eternal life today by knowing and by getting better acquainted with God.

“Let us seek our satisfaction in God because He alone can satisfy.”

Mm, yes! Most dear and holy Father God. You alone can satisfy our every need. Teach me how to let You do exactly all You want. In me. With me. By, through and for me. Without my own feeble attempts to help You along.

You’ve got this! You’ve got us. Thank You. Praise You. Be glorified. I love You. Amen.

(498 words ~ 8:27 a.m.)

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