Saturday, January 28, 2023

playful adulting

 Saturday, January 28, 2023 (6:02 a.m.)

Thank You God!

Waking up with a song reminding me of my dad’s laugh. What a smile I have. Thank You!

So many reasons to sing. And smile. You are so good Lord. Thank You.

(6:23 a.m.)

Lead and guide me this day Dear God. In the way You would have me go (Psalm 32:8).

(6:32 a.m.)

Isn’t this fun?!

One minute I’m singing of a ♪little water boy bring[in’] that buck-buck-bucket around♪ and the next? Reading in Your Word of the importance of not being like “a senseless horse or mule” (Psalm 32:9).

Yes Blessed God. I’m asking You to use me this day. Depending on Your teachings. Forever changed by Your goodness and Your grace. Absolutely secure in the fact that while I do NOT know what tomorrow holds, I know [trust, believe] that YOU hold it.

Yesterday, I heard myself say out loud that I want to spend this year “playing more and ‘adulting’ less.” I mean no disrespect here Dearest Dad. There is an imbalance of responsibility I took on in my younger years that no longer serves me well. In many ways, it never did.

I am looking to You Dear God! Asking (Matthew 7:7) You to provide the balance I need to live each day responsibly (Titus 2:3-5). And playfully! As Your child (1 John 2:28-3:10). Truly Lord, I don’t know what that balance will look like, but I trust You to bring it about. 

An e-article written by a twentysomething writer from eastern Canada (Jaquelle Crowe) sums it up quite nicely. “Before God calls us to be adults, he invites us to be His children.” I realize I skipped a lot of steps there, Lord! I look to You in recovering the balance I’ve been missing.

One more playing of, singing with, hearing my dad laugh and smiling to ♪Mule Skinner Blues♪ All the while looking to You with gratefulness. Use me this day dearest God. EXACTLY as You know is best. Perfectly balanced between playfulness and adulthood.

Thank You. Praise You. I love, need, trust and want You as Dad of my life. Amen.

(375 words ~ 7:39 a.m.)

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