Tuesday, November 16, 2021

♪Thank You. Thank You♪

 Monday, November 15, 2021 (6:48 a.m.)

Laughlin,  NV

Holy God,

Thank You. Thank You. Thank You. How’s that for a change of heart and attitude? Thank You! You did that.

There’s even a television ad for humankindness that sings these same words. ♪I’m thankful for the air I’m breathin’ I know that times get tough But keep on looking up And see we’ve got so much. I’ve got to say, “Thank You. Thank You for all I’ve got today. Thank You. Thank You Say it to the sunshine Tell it to the blue sky Thank You Thank You”♪

Yes Lord! ♪Thank You. Thank You♪ I love the messages You send to me. In the most unexpected ways.

Opening biblegateway.com, it went straight to Psalm 119:143 The Passion Translation. I want this to be my truth Lord. “Even though my troubles overwhelm me with anguish, I still delight and cherish every message You speak to me.” Yes! Delight. Great joy.

The hope we have in You continues as I read the psalmist’s very next verse (144). “Give me more revelation so that I can live for You, for nothing is more pure and eternal than Your Truth” 

And now? Up to 142, “Your righteousness has no end; it is everlasting, and Your rules are perfectly fair.” Forgive me Lord for the times I allow circumstances to take precedence over Your Truth.

Today I’m asking You to continue Your work in making me strong in Your mighty power (Ephesians 6:10). Alert and persistent in Spirit led prayer (v. 18). Faithful, even unto death (Revelation 2:10). Earnest and repentant (3:19).

This last verse is where my heart quickens. All of Your mandates are accomplished in, with, by, through and for me only by the power of Your Holy Spirit. I confess to forgetting and foregoing that power often.

The Passion Translation. “All those I dearly love I unmask and train. So repent and be eager to pursue what is right.” You have so VERY much to teach me Dearest God. Make me a better learner, I pray.

“… turn from your indifference and become enthusiastic about the things of God” (The Living Bible). “… be earnest and change your hearts and lives” (Common English Bible).

Do all You must to Your good and perfect end Dearest God. Reminding me to be thankful to You. And unexpectedly kind.

I love You Lord. Empower me to living this day for You. Your good. And Your glory. ♪Thank You. Thank You♪ Amen.

(427 words ~ 8:33 a.m.)

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