Monday, July 6, 2020

YOUR way

Monday, July 7, 2020 (6:07 a.m.)

Holy God,

We laughed last night. At the time. 10:01. And this morning I saw 3:03. Just for fun I was shooting to start this at 6:06. 6:07 on 7/06 is better. Thank You.

Yes Father. Thank You for every time I line my way of thinking up with whatever it is You provide.

I’m here asking that You would supply me with every single thing I need to live this day exactly as You know is best. Lovingly. Obediently. YOUR way!

I confess to spending so very much time in my head. Wanting to think my way to solutions for whatever I determine is bothersome. Forgive me Father. Truly I’d rather do things Your way.

Turning in The Celebration Hymnal looking for songs regarding Your Truth I came across ♪Trials dark on ev’ry hand…♪ I follow it to #771. ♪We’ll Understand It Better By and By♪

Referencing Hebrews 11:1. Listed under EVERLASTING FELLOWSHIP as well as ETERNAL LIFE AND HEAVEN I find myself with even more question marks floating over my thoughts.

I have long struggled with this verse. “What is faith? It is the confident assurance that something we want is going to happen. It is the certainty that what we hope for is waiting for us, even though we cannot see it up ahead.”

I believe I am supposed to find it hopeful. Instead, I usually come away frustrated. Wondering if I am hoping for the wrong things.

And once again, You are here. Leading me to Your Truth. Step 2 (of 12) devotional for Hebrews 11:1-10. Hope in Faith ends by telling us that we can see You “as one who is reaching out to help us… We can start by asking God to help us have more faith. Then we can ask Him for the courage to hope for a better future.”

Hmmm… courage to hope for a better future. That IS Your way isn’t it Lord!

How gratefully I thank You Lord. ♪We’ll Understand It Better By and By♪ Oh that You would provide me the courage to hope for a better future!

The Message. “Faith in What We Don’t See The fundamental fact of existence is that this trust in God, this faith, is the firm foundation under everything that makes life worth living. It’s our handle on what we can’t see.”

Blessed God, there is so much we cannot see. Do all You must in keeping my eyes on You. Your will. Your way.

You are good. You are holy. And I long to follow You. As You alone know is best. Align my thoughts, words and deeds to YOUR way.

Thank You Lord. I love You. Amen.

(460 words ~ 7:47 a.m.)

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