Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Chutes and Ladders

Wednesday, July 15, 2020 (5:42 a.m.)

Well, sleep didn’t happen. But another smile did. Along with a little chuckle. Yes God, You did that for me. Thank You.

You lightened my heart. You reminded me repeatedly, “I can’t. God can. I’ll let Him.” Thank You Lord.

As I lie here thinking, the idea of getting knocked flat came to mind. Next stop? Chutes and Ladders. How many times in that one game do we have the highest highs and the lowest lows only to have to begin all over again.

Father, thank You that with You we have that ability to start fresh. New. Again.

So here I turn once more to Paul’s letter to the believers in Ephesus. Written to strengthen their relationships with You and with each other.

Hmm… how important is that right now? Again, I shake my head in awe and wonder. Ever amazed at Your perfect guidance for our hurting hearts.

And now come the tears. And more sadness. Father, it’s so easy to be mad. And angry. Bitter. Mean. It takes such concentrated work to be kind. And loving. Respectful. Forgiving. I can’t ever do it on my own. Thank You that You are always ready to do in, with, by, through and for us all that we are unable on our own.

Ephesians 5:15-20 details Living by the Spirit’s Power. Thank You Father that You know and provide for our every need. Again I am reminded through the song from earlier. ♪Don’t Stop Believin’♪ Thank You Lord.

And now? Spirit-Guided Relationships: Wives and Husbands Ephesians 5:21-33. Oh Most Blessed God, square one. All over again.

The Life Recovery Bible comment. Complete with more tears. “When our life is out of control, family tensions and conflict are common. Paul tells us the home should be a place where love and mutual respect are shown.Husbands and wives should love each other and be sensitive to each other’s needs, showing the same love Christ showed the church.”

Again this morning’s earlier mantra. “I can’t. You can. I’ll let You.” Cued in with the song. ♪Don’t Stop Believin’♪ I look to You Blessed God.

Continuing the comment as I roll the mental dice, hoping for a ladder, not a chute. No. Wait. Over to Illustrated Bible Handbook. “Husbands and Wives; 5:21-33… The husband’s ministry to the wife is modeled by Christ, who as head of the church ‘gave Himself up for her, to make her holy.’ The image is one of selfless giving and seeking what promotes the growth of the body in holiness. Applied to marriage, the husband exercises his headship when he acts toward his wife as Christ acts toward the church. To be head, he is to give himself up for her, put her needs first, and seek always to help her mature as a Christian person. There is no hint here of the distorted ‘chain of command’ concept which views headship as power, and insists man is master.”

As my heart, soul, mind and strength spin alternately with hope and despair, I ask You to take control Lord. Climbing up a ladder and again sliding down a chute I seek You for balance.

Back to learning to live as A Submissive Person. “The wife’s ministry to the husband is modeled by the church, which is submissive to Christ. The word ‘submission’ is a beautiful one in the NT. When applied to Christian interpersonal relationship it speaks of ‘voluntary yielding in  love.’ We are responsive to Jesus because we know how greatly He loves us. In the marriage relationship, the wife is called on to take the lead in submissiveness, not mindless or grudging obedience, but as a special ministry to her husband.”

I couldn’t do this yesterday Lord. Nothing made sense to me but the desire to hurt or be hurt. Chutes and Ladders Lord. Two steps forward, three steps back.

Work in us this day as only You are able. Humbling us both that we will truly come together as the one You united us to be (v. 31). Him loving me and me respecting him (33) as You designed.

Perhaps the highs and lows of the chutes and ladders could be best tempered with a "reestablished atmosphere of love and mutual respect." Do all You must to this end Blessed God.

And again I sing ♪Don’t Stop Believin’♪ Thank You. I love You. Amen.

(742 words ~ 7:02 a.m.)

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