Friday, April 24, 2015

♫ Rest ♫

Friday, April 24, 2015 (8:30 a.m.)
Most Holy, Blessed and Loving Father God,

Thank You! Thank You that my body hurts right now. In so many different places. Enough to go to bed early last night with hopes of just sleeping it away.

It didn't happen, the pain is still here. But so is the blessing of hearing from You in the night. It was still dark when my brain clicked back on to thinking mode and there You were in the voice of Matthew West (“Jesus Calling” Track 1) telling me to Rest

And I did! I rested as I hummed passed the words I couldn't remember [in My love, in My arms Won't you rest here in the hands that are holding your heart Come unto Me all who are weary and find Rest in the light of My grace you can rest here] until I could again sing out while I put all your pieces back in place

Mm, yes Father. What a blessing it is to just rest! Thank You for that privilege. Thank You for calling me to remember to rest in You. As I listened to the melody, I trusted in Your holiness and I truly found rest.

Even now, as one discomfort follows another I close my eyes, breathe in deeply and continue singing Just come unto me all who are weary and I will give you rest What I like so much about the Truth in this song, is that I find the very same words in the Bible (Matthew 11:28).

As I sit here comparing each phrase of the song with the Truth found in Your Word, I am calm. Refreshing. Renewing. Resting. At peace. Thank You.

Thank You for calling me and asking me if I am listening. To You! Thank You for reminding me to shut out the world, be still and know that You are my God (Psalm 46:10). Thank You for Your promise not to let me go.

This isn't just a nice “catchy” song. There is Truth found in these phrases! You know me to keep running, always chasing and my need to Stop striving for awhile

Jesus promised In this lost world there is chaos But in my presence there is peace (John 16:33) and I get to turn in Your Word and be reminded again that we can endure these things with Your help. As I look to You, I am asking for the courage to change the patterns I have fallen back into.

You know Your best for me. Yoke me with You that I would truly follow and learn from You (Matthew 11:29). The Life Recovery Bible devotion entitled Submission and Rest states, “When we finally decide to submit our life and our will to God's direction, our burdens will become manageable.”

I believe this. I've encountered it on numerous occasions. And then I start playing around again with not the best choices. Forgive me Father.

The closing Truth for this section says, “When we let Him do the driving, we will 'find rest' for our soul. He knows the way and has the strength to turn us around and get us on the road toward recovery.” This I am asking. Please!

Do all You must to turn my choices back to honoring You. I love You. I am listening. Thank You for calling me! Amen.
(565 words ~ 10: 32 a.m.)

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