Friday, November 20, 2020

smile of gratitude

Friday, November 20, 2020 (5:42 a.m.)

Holy God,

I love You. I thank You. I got to wake up singing again. And I am grateful.

Lord, there is so much going on in the world. And inside my head. So I come to You. Asking. Seeking. Knocking (Matthew 7:7).

I’m in need of direction. Guidance. Leadership. A master plan.

And here is the smile. Of gratitude. Yes. Praise You Father.

The sunrise just keeps getting better. More beauty and color with every glance outside. Thank You God.

Thank You for so very many reasons to smile. To be grateful. Mm, yes Lord. Thank You that we can turn to Your Word. And find ourselves.

Reading Matthew 25:25 I readily see myself in the words of the third servant. “I was afraid… so I hid…” Me. Right there!

Thank You God. I can be so innately hard on myself. And then come to Your Word and find hope.

The Life Recovery Bible devotion entitled Perfectionism describes me repeatedly. Paralyzed. Shamed. Not what others wanted me to be. Unrealistic expectations. Fall short. Not even try to succeed.

All of this leading to the wisdom behind Jesus’ illustrations. “All God asks of us is that we try to do something with our abilities and resources. When we allow ourself the option of just making modest progress, we will find the courage to progress in recovery. Even the least improvement is better than not trying at all or being doomed to complete failure by our perfectionism.”

Yes! That’s what happens to me. And it is absolutely not Your best for any of us. 

Lord, I come to You this morning. Asking again that You would truly free me to be the woman You created me to be. The one clothed in strength and dignity, who laughs with no fear of the future. Whose words are wise and kind. And whose children rise and call her blessed and her husband praises her (Proverbs 31:25-28).

Make that happen in and with me Dearest Lord. By, through and for me. Take all my fear and turn it into the courage needed to live this day fully. With faith to believe that You truly are all You claim to be.

I love You. I long to serve. Exactly as You alone know is best. Do all You must that I will genuinely glorify and enjoy You. This day and forever. Thank You. Praise You. Use me. Amen.

(414 words ~ 6:50 a.m.)

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