Sunday, November 29, 2020

like no other Season of our lives

Sunday, November 29, 2020 (4:37 a.m.)

Holy, Holy God,

Today is the First Sunday of Advent 2020. As with so many other things this year it is sure to be like no other season of our lives. Thank You God. You are teaching us to be different too.

Dearest Father, You have so very much for us to discover. Thank You for the easy access we have of learning more about You. Your Will. Your Way. Your Truth. Your Son. And all He came to teach about living life as You would have us.

Thank You that You never leave us alone. Abandoned. We have Your Word. Filled with Your promises. Thank You.

Yes Lord. Thank You. Especially for the hope that this first Sunday is to remind us that we have in You.

Frank Logue, the Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Georgia penned this important message for us:

We all share a longing, a need for hope. We need the word we find in John’s Gospel, “The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it” (John 1:5). As we journey toward Christmas, lighting candles to mark the season, the hope we see in that light dispelling darkness is that whatever we face, we do not face it alone. This is true as the God who made us and loves us is with us. And as we light candles to mark the season, we can also make calls to check in on those who are cut off because of the pandemic, to offer a hand and to share that hope. Even as we light candles, we can be that glimmer of hope for others.

Mm, I just experimented with clicking a new to me key on the computer for a time saving result. There are so many things I don’t know. Do all You must in replacing my fear of mistake making with Your sense of awe and delight in learning new things.

Holy God, You are good. And I am grateful. Looking to You and Your Word for the hope that I don’t find in this world is such a privilege. Empower and enable me in using it well.

And would You just look at this? A comment from The Life Recovery Bible, in the book of John.

1:1-13 The same Power that created the universe is available to create a new life from our shattered hopes. The light of life that exposes and drives away the darkness of the human race is the same light that brightens the dark corners of our world.”

It goes on pointing to You as “the source of all life and true light of the world” while encouraging readers to “believe what God says, renounce our tendency to do things our way, and receive the One whom God sent to help us.” Oh yes please Lord! That I would truly come to trust and follow You.

Work in us this Sunday of HOPE. By, with, through and for us. Growing us into the Believers You would have us be.

We love You Lord. We need You. We want You. And we ask You. All this in Jesus’ most Holy name. All glory be to You Dear God. Thank You. Amen.

(547words ~ 7:21 a.m.)

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