Thursday, March 12, 2020

genuine joy

Thursday, March 12, 2020 (6:41 a.m.)
Holy God,

“Joy. It comes in the morning.” That was my very first waking thought. Thank You Lord. What a gift. Your pure, true, genuine gift.

A Truth on which I stand. And firmly believe. “Weeping may go on all night, but joy comes with the morning” (Psalm 30:5c, d).

Father God, I confess to You right now, my demeanor has always leaned more toward “quiet reserve” than outright joyfulness. I look to You to change that in me.

Yes Father. I look to You.

Joy. It’s listed second, only to love, as a product of living in a “responsive relationship with the Spirit” (Illustrated Bible Handbook; GALATIANS CHAPTER 5. Freedom in Christ Freedom to Live Love; 5:13-26).

Holiest God, YOU provide these changes in us. Choosing to agree with Your plan. Getting in line with Your lead. It’s all pretty overwhelming. And so freeing at the very same time.

How You-like is this? Looking right across the page I read Freedom. Thanks God!

Yes Father. Thank You.

Reading this particular THEOLOGY IN BRIEF, I am further encouraged. It explains freedom in Christ as “our title deed to experience true morality and righteousness.” Oh! Teach me more Blessed God!

“You see, God has taken the bars away and left us uncaged, because in Christ He has released us from the power of that tiger that rages in every man! In Christ we are free to be truly good - in motives and desires as well as actions!”

There is a genuine pureness I am experiencing this morning Lord. A sense of having been able to release some lifelong held fears that no longer apply in a misguided attempt to my own well-being.

It’s a feeling of deeply rooted trust. In You. And Your promises.

My own tendency is usually to second guess. To wait for the other shoe to drop. To not be quite sure. Right now there is a true perception of this all having been wiped away.

Knowing myself as I do, I confess to You the thoughts that this present awareness may very well slip away. To You I sincerely say, “I hope and pray not!”

I absolutely adore this feeling of confidence. Again, “In Christ!”

Father, my history has rarely been that of actual hope and joy. Those are things I’ve long practiced, searched for and striven. This is real. Not just appearing or feeling so. It’s solid. Like Jesus. Upon which I can stand.

Again I ask You Lord, “Make it so that this hope I have in You doesn’t fade.” It’s a brand new experience for me. A genuine joy. Unlike anything I have ever encountered before.

A ride of a lifetime. A true “shut up and pedal” event. Blessed God, keep it real for me. I no longer wish to live afraid of anything but You! Yes. Do all You must that I would truly come to fully esteem and revere [fear] You as we are called.

I want desperately to live in the absolute power of Your Holy Spirit. Yes. Yes. Yes, Lord! Make me one of whom Jesus prayed on the night of His Last Supper. “Make them pure and holy by teaching them Your words of truth” (John 17:17).

Yes Father. Please. Pure and holy because of Your Words of Truth! That is where my joy is based. In You. Keep it so I pray Dearest Lord. Let me practice sharing Your joy this day that maybe, just maybe, we can do it again tomorrow.

I love You Dad. I really, truly, absolutely, honestly love You. Thank You. Use me as only You know is best. I pray all this in Jesus’ name. Amen.

(637 words ~ 8:04 a.m.)
Christ, the Solid Rock
In Christ Alone
Let not mine enemy triumph over me

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