Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Jehovah Rapha ~ 1/28/20

Tuesday, January 28, 2020 (Ship’s time 7:03 a.m.)
Puerto Vallarta, MX

Another medical emergency Lord. I’m becoming more and more aware of just how perilous life here on earth really is. 

Even [especially] now I thank You God. For all You’ve done. All You are doing. And all there is You have yet to do.

Yes Father. Thank You that You are our “Jehovah Rapha”. God of healing. Oh yes Father, thank You!

Thank You that we have Your Word to turn to. On every occasion. With every need, situation and circumstance.

Whether joyful or fearful, we get to come before You exactly as we are. Seeking Your balance. Wisdom. Guidance. Footing. Firm foundation. Standard.

And here I sit, smiling, as Your peace gently washes over me. The more words I read the broader the grin becomes. Both internally and externally.

God, You are so good in Your tender care for each and every one of us. You provide. You are Jehovah Jireh. 

Isaiah 25:1-5 and 26:3 speak of Your plans and Your provisions. We get to read. Hope. Pray. Father, how we do truly thank You.

This morning I continue asking Your healing hand on those in need. In one way or another Dear God, I believe that describes us all.

As I thank You for Your presence, Lord, I become more aware of Your provisions. Your gifts [presents!]. Your creation. Your plans.

Those plans that are “for good and not for evil” (Jeremiah 29:11). The ones that are to give us “a future and a hope.” Father I no longer pretend to know what that will ever look like. I just ask that You would continue teaching me to say, “Thank You” through it all.

I love You Lord. And I thank You. How deeply and truly I do thank You. Use me this day. Exactly as You know is best. Authentically!

Thank You Father for this opportunity to live Your best for me. Empower and enable me in doing exactly that. Yes. I love You. I thank You. Amen.

(351 words ~ 7:32 a.m.)

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