Sunday, January 12, 2020

"Thank You"

Saturday, January 11, 2020 (7:13 a.m.)
Holy God,

Good morning. “I got nothin’.” That seems to be my demeanor this morning. It’s not true, mind You. Just the overwhelming feeling.

So let’s start again. Thank You. Yes. Thank You Lord. Any time we are at a loss for words, “thank You” can start the smiles. And it did.

My heart and mind are at odds right now. One being more sensical/sensible than the other. Even here Lord, I thank You. Thank You for the privilege of learning new-to-me words.

Thank You for taking me from deep, agonizing thoughts to the memory of the bright reds and oranges of this morning’s sky. Thank You that You are always in the details. Thank You that all we truly ever have to say is, “Thank You Lord” and our inner being changes. Thank You Lord.

Yes. Thank You Lord!

There are songs that sing of it. Bible verses that speak Your Truth. Here I turn to the book of Isaiah. And again I smile.

Thank You God. Yes. Thank You!

The peace I get to experience just by saying “Thank You” truly astounds me.
(9:05 a.m.)

“Thank You” led me over to Isaiah 43:16-21. Illustrated Bible Handbook draws my attention to: Chapter 40. Comfort! Chapter 41. Israel’s Helper; Chapter 42: 1-13. The Lord’s Servant; Chapters 42:14-43:28. Israel’s Unfaithfulness.

The sub-categories intrigue me as well. The Unfaithful Servant; 42:14-25. The Faithful Savior; 43:1-13. Mercy and Unfaithfulness in Contrast; 43:14-28.

Taking my thankfulness back to The Life Recovery Bible, my whole being perks up at at the chapter titles and subtitles. Comfort for God’s People; God’s Help for Israel; The LORD’s Chosen Servant; A Song of Praise to the Lord; Israel’s Failure to See and Listen; The Savior of Israel; The LORD’s Promise of Victory.

Father, how truly I thank You for the opportunity of saying, “Thank You!” Use me this day. Exactly as You know is best. Thanking You all the way.

I love You. Thank You. Amen.
(353 words ~ 10:22 a.m.)

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