Sunday, January 12, 2020


Sunday, January 12, 2020 (6:31 a.m.)
Holy God,

Not a lot of sleep. And every time I was aware of being awake again I reminded myself that “Because the Lord is my Shepherd, I have everything I need!” (Psalm 23:1 The Living Bible).

That Truth quickly got shortened to “Because.” Coming to You now, with what seems little oomph [oh look at me smile broadly because it really is a word, spelled exactly that way]

Now I can truly thank You for loving us so much. All these hours I’ve avoided opening myself up to You because I believed it [my worship] wasn’t going to be enough.

Was I misinterpreting the simplicity of Psalm 23? Trying too hard to understand its depth? That all faded away with the easy finding of the word “oomph” - the quality of being exciting, energetic.

Thank You Father. Thank You for the opportunity of letting self-doubt and flagellation give way to praise and adoration. Of You!

Yes Lord. It’s when I put the focus back on worshiping and adoring You that I drop my guard of wanting more understanding than I have. The Passion Translation tells me that David called You his best friend and shepherd (Psalm 23:1a).

Because of this, he always had more than enough (v. 1b). I believe this to be true of us as well. You ‘offer a resting place in Your luxurious love’ (2a). And “an oasis of peace, the quiet brook of bliss” (2b).

As I consider the Truth of these poetic word pictures Father my heart and mind practically explode! You restore and revive life (3a). Open pathways to Your pleasure (3b). Leading along in Your footsteps of righteousness to bring honor to Your name (3c-d).

A path through the valley of deepest darkness reminds that “fear will never conquer me, for You already have!” You remain close and lead through it all the way. “Your authority is my strength and my peace [rod]. The comfort of Your love [staff] takes away my fear” (4).

Verse 5 describes the delicious feast You will provide. Even when enemies dare to fight. Here we also find the anointing of the Your Holy Spirit [oil] and an overflowing heart.

Bringing us to the climactic conclusion. “So why would I fear the future? For Your goodness and love pursue me all the days of my life. Then afterward, when my life is through, I’ll return to Your glorious presence to be forever with You!”

Father, I confess my tendency to allow the struggles of any given day to overshadow Your Truth and promises. Forgive me I pray.

Continue reminding me that “Because the Lord is my Shepherd, I have everything I need.” I shall not want. I lack nothing. You care for us always.

Thank You Father. Thank You that because You ARE our Shepherd, You will lead us to places of  safety. Yes Lord. Thank You. Because of so many things!

I love You. And I ask You to use me this day. Exactly as You know is best. Thank You. Because… Amen.
(520 words ~ 8:38 a.m.)

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