Tuesday, January 7, 2020

All of it

Tuesday, January 7, 2020 (6:27 a.m.)
Awesome God,

Thank You! I woke up singing to You again. ♪Yes, Lord, Yes to Your will and to Your way... ♪

Oh most holy God. Chaos, crisis and confusion are reigning supreme in the lives of our much loved ones.

Addictions. Unlawfulness. Surgeries. Overcrowding. A wedding, death and upcoming funeral. Half truths. Child welfare and custody concerns…

The list goes on Lord. Disagreements. Harsh words. Inabilities to lovingly communicate. Oh Father, how I bring it all to You.

Yes, Lord! All of it. Concerns. Hopes. Fears. Dread. All of it.

You are bigger. Better. Able. You are Who and All we need.

Oh most dear and blessed God, how I ask Your grace. Your wisdom. The courage that comes only from trusting and depending on You.

You are our hope. Our One, TRUE HOPE.

And this is where I look to You as the One who truly reigns supreme. Looking into that Truth I learn another new-to-me word. Preponderate. Be most important. Prevail. Dominate. Reign.

Yes Lord. You are our TRUE HOPE who dominates and reigns. Supreme.

Do all You must Dearest Lord. All You know is best. For all involved.

We look to You, Holy God. Our Preponderance! [the quality or fact of being greater in number, quality, or importance]

♪We’re leavin’ [bringin'] it all up to You-ooh-ooh You decide what we’re gonna do We want Your -lo-o-ve... ♪ 

Provide everything needed that Your will be done. Yes Father! “Thy will be done.”

Thank You Lord. I love You. Use me. Amen.
(262 words ~ 8:02 a.m.)

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