Saturday, August 10, 2024


 Saturday, August 10, 2024 (5:58 a.m.)

Good morning Blessed God,

Thank You for getting me out of bed. I confess resistance to the whole process. Thank You for leading me to surrender to Your gentle urging.

Although the sky is a little bland, I’m here watching anyway. Thank You that I am. Thank You for the song that is accompanying our time together. MercyMe. ♪Even If

♪They say sometimes you win some Sometimes you lose some… It’s easy to sing When there’s nothing to bring me down… I know You’re able and I know You can Save through the fire with Your mighty hand But even if You don’t My hope is You alone♪

How excited I am to have the words “Oh, my God!” come unhesitatingly out of my mouth just now. The sun rising between our mountain peaks EXACTLY where I wanted to see it.

Thank You God. Another little gift. Reminding me that things aren’t always as they appear. What seems quite ordinary one moment can turn to spectacular in the literal blink of an eye. Thank You.

Thank You for the word “Finally!” that escaped my lips last evening. Out in the backyard. A warm gentle breeze. Extra time on my hands. Fully aware that I finally missed the one who is no longer physically here with us.

We have so many reminders. All the blessings You provide for us to remember. Thank You God that ♪when You choose To leave mountains unmovable Oh give me the strength to be able to sing “It is well with my soul”… You’ve been faithful, You’ve been good All of my days Jesus, I will cling to You Come what may ‘Cause I know You’re able I know You can…♪

I mean You got me out of bed didn’t You?! Use me today exactly as You know is best. Loving. Trusting. Needing. And wanting You most. Glorifying and enJOYing You as I go. Thank You. Praise You. Amen.

(331 words ~ 6:51 a.m.)

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