Friday, August 2, 2024


 Friday, August 2, 2024 (7:02 a.m.)

Blessed God,

Thank You. More sleep. Rest. Peace. Dreams. 

Thank You for nudges Lord. Yes. The ones You provide. Keeping us on track. Alert. Aware. Some more gentle than others.

(7:27 a.m.)

Thank You Father for the opportunity to sit here. Reading of other peoples experiences with Your nudges. One even sharing Amplified Bible, Classic Edition’s usage for the word Selah. “Pause, and think of that.”

Mm, yes Father. Give me pause to think of the good things You provide us.

Another writer references John 14:26. This leads me over to verse 15, reading through the chapter’s end. Father how I thank You for giving us Jesus and sending the Holy Spirit.

Thank You for questions. And some answers. Thank You for Your faithfulness. Your love. And Your nudges.

Use me exactly as You alone know is best. I want to represent You well. Thank You for all You are and do. I love, need, trust and want You. Praise You Lord. Amen.

 (142 words ~ 7:55 a.m.)

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