Friday, August 23, 2024

all sunshine and rainbows

 Friday, August 23. 2024 (11:28 p.m.)

Thank You God.

You have sung songs of healing to my tensed heart throughout this day. Just now? ♪He won’t. He won’t Christ is my Firm Foundation

How great are You Lord!? The words I’ve been wondering about for days. Given to me again just now.

♪The rock on which I stand When everything around me is shaken I’ve never been more glad That I put my faith in Jesus ‘Cause He’s never let me down… I’ve got joy in chaos I’ve got peace that makes no sense♪

That’s it! “Peace that makes no sense!” You provide that for us. Every single time we LET You!

You’ve watched me struggle with the “he said/she said”s of other people’s feelings and opinions. You’ve also reminded me throughout this past day that You’ve indeed got this.

I don’t have to go out of my way to explain myself. According to Your Word I am to forgive. Be joyful. Fear You! Thank You for reminding me that in all we are experiencing it could be worse.

Yes Lord. Thank You. You won’t fail! Our house IS built on You. Rains will come and winds will blow And we’re still safe with You. Praise You Father.

Thank You for taking my plea that You would bless others and change me and doing exactly that. You changed my hurting heart to one of gratitude. Letting me once again see the sunshine and rainbows You have for us.

Thank You Lord. Continue Your work in growing me into the woman You would have me be. Loving. Joyful. Peaceful. Patient. Kind. Good. Faithful. Gentle. And Spirit-controlled (Galatians 5:22-23).

Thank You. Praise You. I love You. Amen.

(290 words ~ 11:49 p.m.)

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