Monday, August 19, 2024

some better than none

 Monday, August 19, 2024 (5:37 a.m.)

Thank You Father. Yes. Praise to You.

Sleep happened. Some [4 hours] is better than none. Waking up singing. And smiling. Thank You Father for the various things that help me smile. And sing.

An allusively found song. A bit of the tune. A word or two of the lyrics. Some here were definitely better than none.

♪In the darkness we were waiting Without hope, without light ’Til from heaven You came running There was mercy in Your eyes… Praise the Father, praise the Son Praise the Spirit, Three in One God of glory, Majesty Praise forever to the King of Kings

Father. Thank You for reminding me of Your goodness. Your grace. Your greatness. Your gloriousness (Psalm 145:5-8). Thank You that You are indeed good (Mark 10:18).

(6:33 a.m.)

Thank You again for the well timed reminders of Your goodness. Your glory. The stark beauty of the near full moon last night. The perfectly placed rising of the sun behind the mountain peaks just now.

The awe found in watching one particular dragonfly seemingly dominate and playfully enjoy our backyard space for over an hour yesterday. Lord, I see You in the details. Even while calling out to You in sleeplessness during the night.

I love You. I need You. I want You. I trust You. Work in, with, by, through and for me today that I will truly think and say and be and do all that will bring You glory. Use me as only You know is best. Empowering and enabling me as I go.

Thank You. Praise You. Amen.

(272 words ~ 6:48 a.m.)

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