Tuesday, January 19, 2021

want what I have

 Tuesday, January 19, 2021 (5:28 a.m.)

Holy God,

You gifted me yesterday. In such a huge way. And I noticed it right as it was happening. Thank You God. I was truly “agog” with You.

Grumbling about this and that not being what I wanted, You reminded me again to want what I have. Thank You Father. Yes Your Truth changed every single thought I had. Soon I was experiencing the peace Your Word promises (Philippians 4:7).

Mm, even now I’m able to get lost in the comfort and Truth of Your Word! Thank You Lord.

Starting with the thought of being gifted by You, I took it to being lifted by You and next thing I knew I was singing ♪Love Lifted Me♪ (Psalm 18:16). Found in The Celebration Hymnal under SONGS OF WITNESS AND PRAISE I realize that is exactly what I am doing. Worshiping and praising You Lord.

My heart is so full of Your peace and joy I’m unable to put all of my thoughts into words. They seem to all be coming at once.

(6:24 a.m.)

Attempting to untangle my thinking, let me start again with Thank You. Yes Lord. Thank You for taking my ungrateful attitude and reminding me of the blessings You continue to provide.

Working in the yard is a joy. A privilege. And I was allowing the wind to color my attitude. As I fell into the trap of grousing and complaining, I realized I was taking my negativity over to relationships and the individual circumstances that were not to my liking.

Thank You God for calling me to remember that happiness is not found in having what I want but in wanting what I have. And You dear Lord have provided me with so much.

Once I started looking at the Truth of all I have in You, the perceived hurts and disappointment faded in the background. Thank You God. Praise You Lord.

We absolutely do not know what is going to happen from one moment to the next, but we DO know that You so loved the world that You sent Your One and Only Son, not to judge the world, but to save it (John 3:16-17). We don’t have to worry (Philippians 4:6) because You’ve got this. Whatever “this” is!

♪This Is The Day♪ starts singing again. We ARE to ♪rejoice and be glad in it♪ (Psalm 118:24). You know Your best for us. Our job is to ♪Trust and Obey, For there’s no other way To be happy in Jesus, But to trust and obey♪ (Ephesians 5:8).

The floodgates to praise and worship songs has opened. I am being deluged by them. All coming at one time. Thank You Father. Praise You Lord.

♪Don’t You know it’s time to praise the Lord? In the sanctuary of His Holy Spirit. So set You mind on Him, And let your praise begin, And the glory of the Lord will fill this place. He lives within the praises of His people, He loves to hear us call upon His name♪ (1 Kings 8:10 -16).

Psalty the Singing Songbook tells us, “It is always time to praise the Lord. Wherever you are, whatever you’re doing, praise Him!” Yes Lord. Keep teaching us!!!

Yesterday it was You I sensed pushing me to change the music station from ‘60s to Contemporary Christian. Thank You Lord for all the different ways You work to get our attention back on You where it so rightly belongs.

You know our needs. Every single one of them. I am asking You to do all You know is best in making us obedient and grateful.

Worldwide English (Philippians 4:6-7) tells us, “Do not worry about anything. Talk to God about everything. Thank Him for what you have. Ask Him for what you need. Then God will give you peace, a peace which is too wonderful to understand. That peace will keep your hearts and minds safe as you trust in Christ Jesus.”

Just as I was preparing to say “Amen!” to that, verse 8 adds, “Here, my brothers, are some things I want you to think about. Think about things that are true, honest, right, clean and pure, things that are lovely, and things that are good to talk about. If they are good, and if they bring praise to God, think about these things.”

Yes! Yes! Yes, oh God. Yes! Make it so I am able to bring and sing You praise this day. I love You. I need You. I want You. And I thank You. Praise You Father. Use me for Your good and for Your glory. Worshiping, exalting and adoring You Lord. Amen.

(789 words ~ 7:27 a.m.)

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