Thursday, August 15, 2019


Thursday, August 15, 2019 (10:17 a.m.)
Most Dear and Holy God,

Thank You. Deeply. Sincerely. Genuinely. Wholly. Fully. Completely. Gratefully. Thank You!

It was another night of very little sleep. Followed again by a morning of unexpected delights. A free and easy phone conversation with a much loved one. An extremely unhurried time of reading. Learning genetic facts. Mixed into a wonderfully well-crafted novel [The Ones We Choose].

Allowing me to once more examine my own decisions. And the choices I make at any given moment. Every single day.

Thank You Father. Thank You for the work You have been doing in me. All these years.

Here I get to turn to Romans 9:20-33 and study it’s connection to how I am currently feeling. Utter and complete awe of Who and All You are.

My humanness shows in so many ways. Mistakes I make. Arrogance. Vulnerabilities. And choices. Ultimately, we all get to choose.

Thank You Father that again and again I choose You! Your Way. Your will. Your Truth. Your promises. Sometimes more quickly than others.

Thank You that Your Word even speaks to this. Illustrated Bible Handbook. God Is Free to Act; [Romans] 9:14-22. “In the most stark way Paul insists that God be recognized as God. He is free to use His power as He chooses. However the exercise of that power might appear to those who cry ‘unfair,’ God’s choices flow from His purposes and from His unfailing love.”

Thank You most dear and loving Father. Thank You that You are indeed good. And patient.

As Your love pulses through me, I long to share that love with others. You could easily have written me and the mistakes I continue to make off long ago. Instead You keep pouring Your forgiveness and loving-kindness into me.

Thank You Father. I am not here to second guess You. I seek to serve You by fully accepting the mercy and grace in Christ that You provide each and every one of us. Do all You must in using me for Your glory and the good of others.

I love You Lord. ♪And I lift my voice To worship You Oh, my soul rejoice! Take joy my King In what You hear Let it be a sweet, sweet sound in Your ear♪ Yes please Father. Make it so.

I love You. I thank You. Amen.
(390 words ~ 11:20 a.m.)

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