Monday, August 19, 2019


Monday, August 19, 2019 (6:23 a.m.)
Good morning Blessed God,

Hmm. Yes. Good morning.
(7:04 a.m.)
Here it is. Later morning, and still good.
(7:42 a.m.)

Now I’m looking into the simplicity of this completely uncomplicated greeting. And making it harder than it has to be.

Yes Father. How often do I do that? Complicate things. Make them more difficult than necessary. Work in me this day that I would truly come to keeping things simple.

Simple. Yes Father. Do all You must in teaching me what You would have me learn today.

Holy God, I didn’t expect the simplicity of such a random greeting to take me deep into Your Word. Matthew 28:9. The Living Bible’s paraphrase of Jesus’ own first words after His resurrection.

“And as they [Mary Magdalene and the other Mary] were running, suddenly Jesus was there in front of them! ‘Good morning!’ He said. And they fell to the ground before Him, holding His feet and worshiping Him.”

Oh the simplicity! Thank You Father. Thank You that something as simple as my saying “Good morning” to You can take me straight over to worshiping at Jesus feet. Mm. Yes.
(9:44 a.m.)
Another diversion. And now back on track.

Quoting from the comment in The Life Recovery Bible. After the religious leaders of the time discredited Jesus in front of the crowds and plotted His murder, they sealed and guarded His tomb. Ultimately, “27:62-28:15… they invented a story to explain the disappearance of Jesus’ body.”

Now, here for me is the crux of the whole matter. “It would have been easier to accept Jesus’ message and make appropriate changes in their lives and beliefs.” Amen! Yes. Isn’t it the Truth?

“We must not become so hardened by denial that we, like the Jewish leaders, go to great lengths to avoid accepting the lifesaving message of the gospel.” Yes Lord. True that!

Do all You must in, with, by, through and for me that I would live this day exactly as You wish. Glorifying and enjoying You. I love You Lord. Mold me and make me as You know is best.

Thank You. Good morning! Amen.
(370 words ~ 9:58 a.m.)

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