Sunday, April 15, 2018

deep love ~ 3/22/18

Thursday, March 22, 2018 (6:19 a.m.)
En route to Hilo, Hawaii

Blessed Holy God,

Thank You. Thank You that You are blessed. Thank You that You are holy. Thank You that You are God; “our God, the LORD alone” (Deuteronomy 6:4).

Thank You that as I explore this verse in Illustrated Bible Handbook I come across these words, this Truth. “Love for God: 6:1-2. …The commands of God can never be understood apart from the deep love that is to motivate each party to covenant relationship.”

Hmm… deep love. Yours for us. Ours for You. Oh, but our love for You is so very little when compared to Yours for each and every one of us.

Thank You that even as I begin to consider Who and What and All You are, one of the most basic children praise songs starts singing to me again. ♪Lord, You are more precious than silver. Lord, You are more costly than gold. Lord, You are more beautiful than diamonds and nothing I desire compares with You♪

How true! How very true Precious God and Father.

So here I am with the “You are…” statements, asking that You would continue teaching me to love You with ‘all my heart, all my soul and all my might’ [mind and strength] (v. 5).

The Life Recovery Bible comment for this verse explains, “Love is not primarily an emotion. It is a decision that shows itself in appropriate actions. Thus, loving God entails the decision to follow God’s program, looking to Him constantly for help and forgiveness.”

How perfect are those last eight words! I definitely need help with forgiveness. Thank You that I can look to You constantly for all my needs.

Work in and with, by, through and for me this day Blessed God. Chisel me exactly into who and what and all You would have me be. For Your good and for Your glory. 

I love You Father. I praise and thank You. I need and want You. I choose and trust You. Thank You. I love You. Amen.
(353 words ~ 7:42 a.m.)

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