Monday, November 3, 2014

Your joy

Monday, November 3, 2014 (7:58 a.m.)
Mm. Blessed Father,

You've been with me throughout the night. I have itches. Unexplained, uncontrolled itches. I don't know the cause. Nor the cure.

What I do know is that You are in control. I may not understand the onset. But the moment I confessed my powerlessness to the nonstop itching and scratching along with my willingness to trust You in the midst, I slept. Peacefully. Thank You.

Thank You that even after being awakened at 4:53 by an offshore soliciting phone call, I was able to return to a restful, dream-filled sleep. Thank You.

Thank You too for the joy I identified feeling. Deep joy. Soothing joy. Comforting joy. Followed by the melody and a few words to an unfamiliar song. And then? Excitement!

Beginning to ask the husband if he recognized the tune, the chorus came tumbling out. Just the other day he had played and was again gently affected by the sentiment. My take on it puts You in the main role.

♫No one loves me just like you do No one knows me just like you do... You'll always be my Father And I'll always be Your joy

What an incredible opportunity. Believing myself to be Your joy. And I do. Sometimes. And on those occasions, it truly changes my outlook on everything.

Living in, breathing in Your joy. Oh let me be that for You today. With the choices and decisions I make, be glorified and enjoyed.

I love You. I thank You. I want You. I need You. And I long to serve You. Well. Make it so. Make me able. Thank You. I love You. Amen.

(280 words ~ 9:09 a.m.)

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