Thursday, November 27, 2014

the Truth

Thanksgiving Thursday, November 27, 2014 (5:44 a.m.)
Most Holy God,

The smile on my face and heart affirm what my mind knows. You are HOLY! Really, truly holy. You are working in us around here and it isn't always pretty.

Just the other day I recalled an incident that took place over forty years ago. Forty years!

Holy Father God, ideas and songs, thoughts and Bible verses are all swirling around in my head. How I ask You to settle them. Each one wants the chance to be heard.

Let me list them in the order I remember them coming just this morning:

♫Holy, Holy, Holy! Lord God Almighty (Revelation 4:8)

“Problems and Solutions”

♫Someday at Christmas (Stevie Wonder)

I've been confessing it for days. Weeks maybe. I am officially a wreck. Tears and emotions have been my mainstay. I am coming to the end of myself in such a blessed, good way. I am coming to know the Truth and it is truly setting me free (John 8:32).

It's not pretty by any means. One minute I'm practically slumped over by the sheer weight of my thoughts and the next I'm almost skipping to the beat of Your heart for us. Father, it's Thanksgiving and I can't thank You enough!

We have problems around here. Problems that date back over forty years. Problems that have built themselves right on top of long ago, unresolved problems. And I've been trying in my own strength and power to right the wrongs of all these years.

I've called out to You. Begged. Pleaded. Cried. Oh how I have cried. You've seen the tears and the tissue mounds. But it's only when I am in Your Word, turning from Truth to promise that my heart settles and mind clears.

We are on the brink of something incredible. I have no idea what it is. I don't want to think ahead. Nor do I really care to dig up what all lays behind. What I'm asking is that You keep me in Your step. Lead me. Guide me. To Your Truth.

Yes. There are more tears. I get that. I'm going to continue crying myself through all the pain I've worked so hard to avoid. Oh, but the Truth, the Truth is so worth the fight!

Keep working in me Father. Fine tune and refine me. I can't do any of this on my own. I honestly believe satan would have me focus on all that is wrong. That is my old nature. You've provided us all the solution to any of our problems. Your Son.

We are officially entering the Season of His birth. There's a ton of things hanging over our heads. We can choose to attempt to ignore them. We could try fighting them on our own. Instead I am again coming back to Your Word. Your Truth. Your promises. Page after glorious page reveals more hope.

Guide me this day Blessed Father. Direct and lead me to the bounty of Your blessings for us. Beginning with Your Word.

First verse took me to Deuteronomy 1:12. Moses was speaking to the people of Israel as they were in the wilderness. Reading the introduction to the book begin, “What might we do after failing persistently for almost forty years? How might we set out a new pattern for living?”

I can't even read through the tears in my eyes and my heart. Again. Forty years! Ah, but the Truth... “For You, a thousand years are as yesterday! They are like a few hours!” (Psalm 90:4).

Father, please, continue Your lead.

According to The Life Recovery Bible the purpose for Moses writing the book of Deuteronomy is “To assist God's people as they live in the present by reviewing what God has done in the past and considering what God has promised to do in the future.” Yes, please!

All the times as I've heard [and even read] the stories, I'm still amazed at what I'm reading now. Moses told the people to learn from their past. There was a plan for their present and hope for the future.

As I consider the opportunity You provide us for rebuilding, I ask You to take the lead in the project. Because of Your Son, Your love, Your Truth, Your promises we are not without hope. We get to start over again and again. Make it so I follow You better.

Psalm 12:6 affirms what I have long known. “The LORD's promises are pure, like silver refined in a furnace, purified seven times over.”

The comment at the bottom reminds me that You have “promised to protect us from those who try to destroy us.” It goes on saying, “God is not like us – His words are pure. He never deceives, nor does He ever fail to keep His promises.”

Hallelujah! Thank You God.

As I prepare to get started with the events of this day, how I ask that You enable and empower me to represent You with Your TRUE Spirit of Thanksgiving. I love You Dad! Do all You must. Thank You. I love You. Amen.
(859 words ~ 7:05 a.m.)

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