Wednesday, September 13, 2023

Bravo, indeed!

 Wednesday, September 13, 2023 (6:31 a.m.)

Holy, Holy, Holy, Father God,

Thank You for Your holiness.

(7:23 a.m.)

After much searching. Following. Glancing. Scanning. Reading. Seeking. Here I find. Psalm 29. The Message.

“Bravo, GOD, bravo! Gods and all angels shout, ‘Encore!’ In awe before the glory, in awe before God’s visible power. Stand at attention! Dress your best to honor Him! GOD thunders across the waters, Brilliant, His voice and His face, streaming brightness- GOD, across the flood waters” (vs. 1-3).

Holy God. Thank You! We seek. You provide. Considering Your holiness, again I am speechless.

Thinking about Your thunder [primarily translated as Your voice] I am once more encouraged by David’s descriptive words. Father, my own words fail. Thank You that they aren’t needed.

Thank You that You know my heart. My mind. My soul. Even my strength. Thank You that You alone are God.

Thank You that Illustrated Bible Handbook describes: “Psalm 29. Here is a psalm of pure praise, exalting in God’s power over nature.” Yes! Bravo, indeed!

Various translations list Your thunderous voice as tympanic. Symphonic [The Message]. Powerful. Majestic (v.4). Smashing, toppling, breaking, cracking, destroying, shattering, splitting the mighty cedars of Lebanon (5).

Dear Father, thank You for the Truth The Life Recovery Bible comment tells us. “In this psalm we are reminded of God’s great power over the natural world. Yet even though His majesty is greater than any words can describe, He knows and loves each of us. Knowing how powerless we are over the problems we face should make us realize that we need to turn our life over to Him, the One who is all-powerful. He is the only one able and willing to help us.”

Yes. Your power. Your thunder/voice spits fire/strikes with bolts of lightning (7). Shaking/quaking the barren wilderness/desert (8).

It’s Your voice that “makes the deer give birth and strips the woodlands bare. In His temple all cry, ‘Glory!’” (v. 9 Christian Standard Bible). Mm. Yes. “Glory!”

Verse 10 tells of You sitting above the floodwaters. Ruling and reigning as King forever.

Examining all this Truth, it is verse 11 that stirs most deeply within. Spelled out here in both The Living Bible and The Message.

“He will give His people strength. He will bless them with peace” (TLB).

“GOD makes His people strong. GOD gives His people peace” (MSG).

Thank You that You do Dear Lord. We come before You because we are in desperate need of Your will. Your way. Your holiness. Your Truth. Your promises.

Do all You must in blessing and keeping us. Making Your face shine upon us. Being gracious to us. Turning You face towards us. Smiling. And giving us Your peace (Numbers 6:24-26).

We love, need, trust and want You Lord. Use us as You alone know is best. In the strength of Your mighty power (Ephesians 6:10). Thank You. Praise You. Bravo, indeed! Amen.

(500 words ~ 8:47 a.m.)

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