Tuesday, September 12, 2023

a simple smile

 Tuesday, September 12, 2023 (5:32 a.m.)

Blessed, Holy God,

Thank You Lord. There’s a smile in here somewhere. I sense it. 

A simple smile. Slight. Easy. Gentle.

Thank You Father. These are the reminders to my heart. My soul. My mind. Even my strength that You are here with me. Regardless of circumstances. You are here!

Thank You. Yes, thank You.

My tendency is to wallow. Build mountains out of molehills. Over-react. Invent. And mope.

Thank You that with every single smile that starts across my face, I am immediately aware of Your presence. Whether it’s the beauty of a bloom on our favorite hibiscus plant. Or the sliver of moon still in the eastern sky as the sun rises.

Father, You are behind it all. Thank You that You are!

I confess to You the degree of mopiness with which I arose. Thoughts of not being enough. Fears of not measuring up.

Thank You that You come in. Circumventing my habit of negating Your goodness. Your grace. Your mercy. Your presence.

And here it is! Finally. A song for my heart to sing.

♪…Your presence, Lord Holy Spirit, You are welcome here Come flood this place and fill the atmosphere Your glory, God, is what our hearts long for To be overcome by Your presence, Lord♪

Yes! Your presence in our lives changes everything. Our thoughts. Our words. Our actions.

One simple smile was all it took for me to turn to Psalm 67. Father God, thank You for the ways You smile on us each day. I want to use the strength that comes from Your presence as You would have me.

The Life Recovery Bible comment for this Psalm tells us, “We are called to share with others the good news of God’s powerful deliverance and His plan for salvation for all.” This is not to be a chore for us to avoid.

No! “It should be a natural expression of our joy at being delivered from forces too powerful for us to handle alone.”

Yes! It is the presence of Your Holy Spirit that battles the joylessness that so easily overtakes our thinking when we are not alert. Aware.

The comment continues. “Without God’s help, we could never resist the tempting call of our addictions. But with His help we can live with freedom and joy.”

Mm. Yes. Freedom and joy!

The first verse of Psalm 67 asks You to “be merciful and bless us.” That Your face would smile with favor on us.

Thank You Father for the contagiousness of a simple smile. Yours to us. Ours to You. And to others.

Use us this day. Exactly as You know is best. Willing to share Your love. And joy. With all we encounter. Freely. Genuinely. Without hesitation. Or reservation.

Empower and embolden us in living Your Word. Your way. Smiling [and singing] as we go.

♪There’s nothing worth more That could ever come close No thing can compare You’re our living hope… I’ve tasted and seen Of the sweetest of loves Where my heart becomes free [HUGE smile!] And my shame is undone Your presence, Lord♪

Yes! Your presence Lord. In the occurrence of Your Holy Spirit. The One who is welcome here.

Do all You must Dearest Lord. That we will sing. Smile. Stand firm and stay our minds on the Truth and promises of Your Holy Word.

We love, need, trust and want You as absolute Lord of our lives. Thank You. Praise You. Amen.

(583 words ~ 6:52 a.m.)

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