Monday, January 14, 2019

unshakable and assured

Monday, January 14, 2019 (6:13 a.m.)
Holy God,

Good morning. What should we do here this morning? Oh yeah. John 16:33.

So here’s a smile and something I hadn’t noticed before. Oh, and then it just gets better. Thank You Father.

Turning to 16:33 I discover there are three parts to this verse, not just the two I’ve come to know. Interesting the things I miss when I focus on something else.

Thank You Father that we are never too embedded in one set of circumstances not to be able to change for the better. Oh yes. Thank You Father.

The Life Recovery Bible tells us that the purpose of John’s letter to people everywhere is “To reveal Jesus as the Son of God and show that by faith in Him we can experience true love, forgiveness, and recovery.” To this I say, “Amen!” and “Thank You Jesus!”

Reading the overview of this book we are told, “John used a number of images to illustrate who Jesus is and how He gives us eternal life: Jesus is the unblemished lamb of God who is sacrificed for us; the bread of life who satisfies our spiritual hunger; the living water who satisfies our spiritual thirst; the light who gives us life; and the counselor who comforts and teaches us. Through these images, John demonstrated that Jesus can give us all we need for a new, abundant life.”

Forgive me for the numerous times I moan and groan in the midst of situations not to my liking. You have the power to change each and every one of us. Far away from who we were before. Thank You Jesus.

Prior to the death You knew was coming, while teaching and speaking with Your disciples, The Message quotes You as saying, “I’ve told you all this so that trusting me, you will be unshakable and assured, deeply at peace” (John 16:33a). Honest to You! What would that be like?

I know there have been times that I have experienced Your “peace, which is far more wonderful than the human mind can understand” (Philippians 4:7). Most often that’s the exception, not the rule.

Holiest God, I long to live my days trusting You. Unshakable and assured. Deeply at peace. In You.

Do all You must that I will truly sing Your praises. Smiling deeply at the knowledge that You are perfectly in control of all things. Standing firm in the hope of Your Truth. And stretching out to share You freely with others.

Yes most holy God, anchor my roots deeply in the soil of Your Word that they would ‘grow down into You and draw up nourishment from You, so I will grow in faith, strong and vigorous in the Truth I was taught. Letting my life overflow with thanksgiving for all You have done’ (Colossians 2:7). Oh yes please Dearest God.

Trusting You, unshakable and assured, deeply at peace. ‘In this godless world I will continue to experience difficulties. But [I can] take heart! You have conquered the world’ (John 16:33c). Thank You Jesus!

Use me today exactly as You know is best. In Your power and strength. Thank You. I love You. Amen.
(537 words ~ 7:19 a.m.)

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