Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Psalm 30

Thursday, July 20, 2017 (6:12 a.m.)
Holy, Blessed God,

Thank You. Thank You. Thank You!

It happened again. Slept some hours. Woke with a start. Couldn’t get back to sleep. Thought upon thought led to severe downheartedness. The last thing I remember is talking to You and finally confessing, “I’m a mess, Lord. Emotionally, spiritually, mentally and physically.” And then? Peaceful sleep.

Thank You Father. Thank You.

Turning to Psalm 30 (v. 5) to consider weeping going on in the night and joy coming in the morning I was drawn to verse two. “O LORD my God, I cried out to you for help,”. Yes Father. Thank You that I chose to do exactly that. Knowing that it is only You who can settle my mixed up heart, soul, mind and strength.

And here in Your Holy Word (New Living Translation), the clincher. “… and you restored my health.” Mm, Father. Yes. Various translations. So many different ways of saying, “… and Thou hast healed me” (King James Version).

The Living Bible, “… and You gave me my health again.”

The Message, “… and You put me together.”

Wycliff Bible, “… and Thou madest me whole.”

I do believe my favorite for this morning is The Voice. “Eternal One, my True God, I cried out to You for help; You mended the shattered pieces of my life.” Mm. Yes. Blessed God. You are doing that in my heart. In my soul. In my mind. And in my strength.

Left to my own devices, I long to give up. Quit. Wallow. You call me to “stand firm”. Oh, yes, Blessed Father. Indeed. Yes!

The apostle Paul wrote “to encourage the Thessalonian believers to fulfill their day-to-day responsibilities while anticipating Christ’s return” (The Life Recovery Bible THE BOTTOM LINE). “With all these things in mind, dear brothers and sisters, stand firm and keep a a strong grip on everything we taught you both in person and by letter. May our Lord Jesus Christ and God our Father, who loved us and in His special favor gave us everlasting comfort and good hope, comfort your hearts and give you strength in every good thing you say and do” (2Thessalonians 2:15-17).

Oh yes Blessed God! How I ask You to give me strength in saying and doing good things! 

The Life Recovery Bible footnote for this section Believers Should Stand Firm states, “Paul praised the Thessalonians for their exemplary faith and encouraged them. To stand firm and keep a strong grip on the truths they had been taught. We must do the same if we hope to make progress in recovery. If we cannot face the truth about our own life, we came even begin the process. We need to recognize that we are powerless and that we need God’s help to survive and grow spiritually. Recognizing this truth is a foundational step toward recovery.”

Yes! Amen. Amen. Amen!

Make it so in this day Blessed God! Your power, to mend the shattered pieces of my life.

While I may indeed feel like a mess, I am made in Your image (Genesis 1:27). Work in, with, by, through and for me as only You can. I love You Father. I need You. And I thank You. Oh, how I thank You. Amen!

(8:30 a.m.)

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