Friday, January 4, 2013


Friday, January 4, 2013 (8:12 a.m.)
Lake Arrowhead, CA
Most Glorious Father God,
You amaze me! Day in. Day out. There is always something new and different to experience. Father, thank You.
Thank You for the gifts You give to us. Peace. Joy. Satisfaction. Contentment. Even disagreements. Miscommunications. Frustration. With You as the base of our foundation we are learning more of what to hold onto and what to let go of. Thank You Father. Thank You.
This morning I'm getting to read Psalm 106 and once more I am amazed. Every single time I see my own behavior spelled out in Your Scriptures I again have reason to rejoice. You love us. You honestly, truly love us. Psalm 106 reaffirms this.
Thank You Father. Rereading the history of the Exodus of Your people I find hope. Beginning with verse 43 on through the culmination of 48, there is so much reason to cling tightly to You.
“Again and again He delivered them from their slavery, but they continued to rebel against Him and were finally destroyed by their sin. Yet, even so, He listened to their cries and heeded their distress; He remembered His promises to them and relented because of His great love, and caused even their enemies who captured them to pity them” (43-46).
Mighty, Glorious Father, You are amazing. Loving. Generous. Merciful. Kind. Thank You for Your unending patience with us.
When Your people cry out to You, You do not fail to act on their behalf. “O Lord God, save us! Regather us from the nations so we can thank Your holy name and rejoice and praise You” (v.47).
“Blessed be the Lord, the God of Israel, from everlasting to everlasting. Let all the people say, 'Amen!' Hallelujah!” (v.48).
There are so many things I used to think. So much I still don't understand. The solid Truth I continue standing upon is that You love us. You want Your best for each of us. You know what You're doing and I get to trust You to get it done.
Thank You for sending Your Beloved Son to take our sinful place that we may have full and ready access into Your very presence. Amazing. Merciful. Grace. Love. Thank You. 
Continue Your work in me this day, making me worthy of SUCH incredible generosity. Thank You Father. I love You. Amen.
(401 words ~ 9:28 a.m.)

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