Friday, September 28, 2012


Friday, September 28, 2012 (5:43 a.m.)
Hallelujah Jesus!
You TRULY did for us what we could not do for ourselves. You brought Truth, communication and resolve to some long outstanding problems we've been plagued by. You did this Jesus. You gave to us resolution. Thank You Jesus. Thank You.
Resolution. SO many different ways to look at that word. Not just the same as I've always thought.
(6:47 a.m.)
Resolution AND that beautiful sky? Just how good can this day get? Thank You Jesus! Thank You for this opportunity to wake up with a grateful heart. Thank You for the chance to sing wholeheartedly another song from my younger days, It's a beautiful mornin', ahh I think I'll go outside a while and just smile Just take in some clean fresh air, boy Ain't no sense in staying inside If the weather's fine and you got the time It's your chance to wake up and plan another brand new day
Thank You Jesus that You are good. Holy. As I get to explore 'resolution' this morning I read of Paul's change of plans in Acts 20:3. He had stayed in Greece for three months and was planning to sail to Syria. When he learned of a plot against his life, he changed his plans and decided to go north to Macedonia first.
We get to change our minds! When things aren't going well, whenever we're in danger we can 'purpose', 'determine', 'come to a decision', 'decide', 'resolve', 'take a resolution', 'go the other way', 'change plans', 'have counsel'. YOU know all that is best for us. YOU provided us with Your Holy Spirit to comfort (John 15:26) and to guide (Acts 16:6-7) us. How I thank You!
Thank You for this most recent adventure in experiencing resolution. Resolution: a firm decision to do or not do something; the action of solving a problem, dispute, or contentious matter. In music – the passing of a discord into a concord during the course of changing harmony. And as with a scientific (especially optical) instrument – the smallest interval measurable.
YOU provided our much needed resolution! YOU Jesus! You did all for us that we had so very clearly been unable to do for ourselves. Thank You Jesus. Bless You. Praise You.
Enable and empower me through Your most Holy Spirit to use this beautiful day to Your good and Your glory. I love You. I thank You. Amen.
(406 words ~ 8:46 a.m.)

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