Wednesday, September 2, 2009


Wednesday, September 2, 2009 (5:59 a.m.)

Blessed Lord,

How nice to be aware that the first thing I noticed about myself this morning was my smile. Thank You for that Lord. As much as I love You and as good as You are to us, I would like to come again to the place where I smile much more readily and often.

Even as I consider the word, along with it’s definition and origin I am experiencing a sense of calmed excitement. An oxymoronic antithesis at it’s best. Much like considering the present condition is our home (which very well may be representing the current state of our emotions) as controlled chaos.

Again Dear Lord, I say, “Thank You!” Thank You for smile-evoking beauty. I look in Your Word and smile. I even smile when I realize that while thinking of the things that are helping me smile, I am not focusing on any of the thoughts that normally cause me fear or sadness.

Lord, thank You so much for the work You are doing in me. I am well aware that it is You that is causing this change in me. How I ask You to continue the refining that is taking place within me. Keep me from jumping to conclusions as I have so readily done in the past. I want to learn to filter my thoughts and decisions through You first, instead of after mistakes have been made.

Father, thank You for allowing me to enjoy this morning time with You. Reading of Jacob’s words to his estranged brother Esau in Genesis (33:10) “…for what a relief it is to see your friendly smile. It is like seeing the smile of God!” How I want others to see You smile through me!

As I continue smiling my way through the psalms I am reading, thinking “Yes, Lord, make me so” I come again to Numbers 6:25 - Your own words of blessing to Your people. How I ask You Lord to 'smile on (make Your face radiate with joy because of)' me.

I love You so much Dear Lord. Thank You for this time alone with You to consider all the reasons You give me to smile! I love You. Amen. J

(375 words ~ 7:08 a.m.)

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