Monday, September 28, 2009


Monday, September 28, 2009 (6:43 a.m.)


Praise You God. God of healing. God of hope. Thank You Lord. Thank You for the healing You are orchestrating in many around me. Healing of lives, of hearts, of relationships. Lord, we are so blessed to have You as our God. Thank You that we have this opportunity to love and praise You.

(8:01 a.m.)

Mm, God. Yes. Thank You. Thank You that while my current inclination is to complain and feel overwhelmed by all that has not been done around here in such a long time; Your Word, Your Truth, Your Love keep drawing me nearer to You. Thank You Lord.

Thank You for minor irritations that help me remember to come to You with them, as well as with my praises. Simple inconveniences that if not properly attended to in a timely manner can become for me major annoyances. Help me here Lord. My initial ‘Hallelujah’s of the morning could easily slip if not bound tightly to You and Your Word.

Thank You Lord that I get to look to You. I am able to turn from the distractions and state of confusion around here to You. Lord, I am looking to You. Not at the mess! You are the source of all my “Hallelujahs!”

You are good. You are mighty. You are powerful. You are holy. And I feel lost. Lost and lonely. Fearful and defeated. Thank You Lord that these are just feelings and I get to share them with You honestly, openly and willingly. Thank You that You are so much bigger than the inaction around here.

I confess to You a laziness Dear Lord, a lackadaisical approach to deciding where and to what to place the time and energy You provide me. And right here I pause to say another “Hallelujah” to You, Jesus, because I’m being honest with You. I’m turning to You and confessing that I don’t know how to do all that I’ve taken on!

I used to think I did. I used to try in my own strength and power to keep spinning the plates I kept adding to the line. Now I’ve let them all fall. I don’t know which, if any, to begin with again. And Hallelujah, Jesus! I’m turning to You first this time!

I have nothing preconceived here. I have no plan of where to begin. I’m lain out here before You this morning asking that You would use me as YOU will to create the masterpiece of which I can be an active part this day. Thank You Lord. Hallelujah to You, the Lord of heaven and earth

Thank You Lord. I love You. Amen.

(450 words ~ 8:57 a.m.)

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