Tuesday, December 6, 2022

Looking. Loving. Longing.

 Tuesday, December 6, 2022 (5:22 a.m.)

Blessed, Holy God,

Today is expected to be an unusually long, busy day for us. One we are not used to. Father, I’m asking Your presence with us. Your strength. The love for others that can only come from You.

Mm, yes Lord. Your love for others.

(6:48 a.m.)

Looking to You. Loving You. Longing to love as You would have me.

Thank You for Your Word Dear Lord. Thank You for the presence of Your Holy Spirit. Thank You for music that sings of Your “unfailing love and wonderful deeds” (Psalm 107:8).

For the Beauty of the Earth, For the glory of the skies, For the love which from our birth Over and around us lies; Lord of all, to Thee we raise This our hymn of grateful praise… For the joy of human love, Brother, sister, parent, child; Friends on earth and friend above; For all gentle thoughts and mild: Lord of all, to Thee we raise This our hymn of grateful praise♪

Holy God, I love You so much. I appreciate Your love for us. And I ask You to continue Your work in teaching us to use it well.

You are good. Great. Glorious. Gracious. And we are truly grateful.

Reading Your Word, I am reminded of the true Treasure we have in being loved by You. The Life Recovery Bible comment for Philippians 4:4-9 describes the joy that is ours. In You. Always.

“True happiness can be found in every situation of life when we recognize that God is at work and always in control. Because Christ is with us and His return is certain, we can act calmly in pain and difficulty. Peace and joy come when we focus on those things that provide lasting value to our life.”

A web entry entitled “For All Gentle Thoughts and Mild” discusses gentleness not being the same as weakness. “It takes strength of will and discipline not to confront hate with hate.” Teach us Lord!

Because Jesus is coming and is near to us, He is “supporting our efforts and empowering us to speak a word softly into the chaos, the word of peace and love, the only word that could possible change the heart.” Not our power. Yours!

Use me this day Blessed God. As only You know is best. Empowering, emboldening and enabling me to be the “wonderfully complex” (Psalm 139:14) woman You created me to be.

I love, need, trust and want You. Do all You must. In. With. By. Through. And for us. Thank You. Praise You. Amen.

(439 words ~ 8:18 words )

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