Saturday, August 8, 2020


 Saturday, August 8, 2020 (6:58 a.m.)

Holy God,

I’m here. Asking You to guide me in Your Word this morning.

There’s a lot going on in my mind. And body. I feel stiff. And sore. I bring it all to You Lord.

My thoughts are all over the place. Center me back to You.

And You do! A word I heard yesterday. “Fundament” [n. - a base or foundation; a theory, principle, or underlying basis; the buttocks].

Taking it to Your Word I find myself in Hebrews 11:1-2 (Great Examples of Faith). Romans 13:11 (Love Fulfills God’s Requirements). Hebrews 6:1. God’s Promises Bring Hope.

How I thank and praise You Father. We turn to You. Asking. Seeking. And knocking (Matthew 7:7). And You answer us. Leading. Guiding. Directing.

I settle into reading Your Truth. Breathing in deeply. And exhaling fully. Smiling contently. Hopefully. Peacefully.

You do this for us Lord. You take our anxious and chaotic thoughts and turn us to Your promises.

Illustrated Bible Handbook. Hebrews. “On to Maturity; 6:1-3. The writer urges these believers to move on to maturity. ‘Leaving’ the elementary teachings does not mean to abandon them, but to view as a beginning. Christians are to build on elementary truths as a foundation, taking them as givens rather than constantly and doubtfully returning to them.”

Your Word offers us vitally needed encouragement. Truth. Promises. Lead and guide us Lord. Constantly reminding us of who we are in You.

We read examples of patient faith. Being anchored in Your promises. Your unchanging nature. Trust. Hope. Absolute security in the resurrected Christ. Our connection with You, our living God.

Oh most dear and blessed Lord, how I ask You to be fully in charge of my heart, soul, mind and strength this day. Closely monitor my thoughts, words, and deeds.

You alone are good. You are Who I trust. Do all You must in us. By us. With us. Through us. And for us. To Your good and to Your glory.

I love You. I need You. I want You. And I thank You. Use me exactly as You know is best. Praise You Father. Amen.

(365 words ~ 8:18 a.m.)

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