Friday, August 14, 2020

always the same

 Friday, August 14, 2020 (6:32 a.m.)

Holy God,

There are so many unknowns. So much change. Thank You that You are constant. The same. Always the same. You do not change. Thank You God.

Lord, there is so much disaster in the world. Fires. Disease. Distortions. Disruptions. Record breaking heat. It’s all so much.

When we remember to look to You we are calmed. Reminded. You are always the same. Always in charge.

Holy, Holy God. How I thank and praise You. It can be so easy to focus on the sadness. The problems. The things not to our liking. It takes such work to actively remember that we are ruled by You and not our circumstances.

Thank You Father. Thank You for all the reminders You have for us in Your Word.

I confess to You the fear that courses through me at any given time. Fear of failure. Of not measuring up. Of all that could possibly happen next. Thank You that You would have us turn over that coin and look at faith. In You. Your plans. Your promises.

Thank You Lord that You know exactly what You are doing. We see only what is right before our eyes. You know the end result. How I claim Your goodness. And Your grace. Your mercy. Your forgiveness.

This morning I turn to Your use of Cyrus (Isaiah 45) to accomplish Your purposes. You are able Lord “to accomplish infinitely more than we would ever dare to ask or hope” (Ephesians 3:20).

It’s so true Father. I hesitate to ask You for what I think I want or need out of fear that it is not in Your plan for us. Complaining comes quite naturally. As do grudge holding and case building.

Here I come to You Dearest God, laid wide open. Asking Your blessings and Your keepings. There is so much discord. Disunity. Work in us that we would truly come together as Your followers. Your believers. Wanting only to glorify and enjoy You.

You used Cyrus without him even realizing it (Isaiah 45:1-13). You are able. And just. Yes.

“Consult together, argue your case, and state your proofs that idol worship pays. Who made these things known long ago? What idol ever told you they would happen? Was it not I, the LORD? For there is no other God but me - a just God and a Savior - no, not one!” (Isaiah 45:21).

“Let all the world look [turn] to me for salvation! For I am God; there is no other” (v. 22). Yes Lord. You ARE ‘the source of all righteousness and strength’ (24a).

“And all who were angry with Me will come before Me and regret it!” (The Passion Translation; v. 24b). Holy God, we have so many things to regret.

Thank You Father that we change. You don’t. You are always the same. Do all You must Blessed God to align us on Your path to righteousness.

We love You. We need You. And we ask You. Forgive us. Amen.

(504 words ~ 8:24 a.m.)

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