Sunday, June 30, 2019

"union with the good One"

Sunday, June 30, 2019 (5:37 a.m.)
Most Holy and Blessed God,

It’s the last day of another month. And I have still more thank You’s to add. Thank You that they come far more readily and easily than ever before.

Thank You that You are so very good. Kind. Loving. All the things we’d truly like to be.

It is absolutely beautiful outside right now. Just a sliver of a moon. Sky practically white. Contrasted by blue looking clouds. We don’t see this every day.

Thank You for beauty Father. And joy. In the most unexpected places.

Thank You again for teaching us to say, “Thank You.” This simple practice changes my demeanor every single time.

While my thoughts can often take me in a negative direction, it’s remembering Who and ALL You are that brings me back to thanks and praise. Yes. Thank and praise You Father.

This cool and beautiful morning I am again reading in Romans 12. Wanting so much to live the life of joy and love You have provided.

Father God, how I thank You for the joy and love we have in You. Faith. Hope. Love. These three remain (1 Corinthians 13:13). Thank you Father.

And again, it’s in You we find our hope. And trust. Thank You God.

Things in this world are what they are. We can try to fight circumstances and situations. It’s when we relinquish all to You that we find peace.

It’s in turning to Your Word (Romans 12); reading, hoping, trusting that we are buoyed. Reminded of Your absolute goodness.

Remembering my own loss of patience and negligence to prayerfulness (v. 12) the other evening I thank You Father for the willingness to confess my enormous error in judgment. Holy God, You are so good to forgive and guide us. Keep working Your will and Your way in each of us.

Reading through the end of the chapter, it’s verse 21 that has my attention this morning. The idea of overcoming evil with good seems at times to be easier than at others. Today, however, I am drawn to a footnote in The Passion Translation.

“Don’t be conquered by the evil one, but conquer evil through union with the good One.” We can do none of Your commands on our own. It absolutely is only in our union with You, the truly good One, that we have the strength and courage to make all necessary changes in our lives.

Father God, continue using Your Word to work in and through each of us. We love and trust You so very much. And we truly long to continue growing in our union with You. The good One.

Thank You God. Amen.
(451 words ~ 7:37 a.m.)

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