Saturday, June 15, 2019

recourses ~ 5/30/19

Thursday, May 30, 2019 (6:23 a.m.)
Mammoth Lakes, CA
Hi God,

Mopey. Moody. And look at that. Alert! Thank You Father for giving us options. Choices. Alternatives. Recourses. Alerts to other possibilities. Yes. Thank You Father. Thank You Daddy God.

Left to my own devices I am inclined to behave so temperamentally. Petulantly. Thank You that You know all this and love me in spite of myself.

Thank You that I have Your Word in which to turn. Thank You that with Your Truth as our guide we are ever reminded of our choices. Yes. You presented them. Repeatedly. Through Your faithful followers. Thank You Father.

I had opportunity to come before You yesterday. Many times. I chose other indulgences instead. Forgive me Lord. Truly. Nothing is more valuable than time spent alone with You and Your Word.

How I thank You for this present circumstance. Beauty. Warmth. Language. Recourses.

Yes! Recourse: a source of help in a difficult situation. You are our Recourse! Always. Thank You.

Given my tendency to run hot or cold. All or nothing. I confess to being easily dissuaded. Thank You Father that You are more than ready, willing and able to provide Your perfect help in every single circumstance. Even with the words we choose.

How appropriate, in my mind’s eye, that this morning the word recourse led me straight to ESTHER The Book of Providential Care (Illustrated Bible Handbook). I get to read here of Esther’s Story. And once again I thank and praise You Father.

Thank You that You provide us hope, Your faithfulness, guidance and wisdom. Here I ask You to guide my learning.

Health issues have me seeking alternative treatments. The more I look into them the more confused I become. “Keeping it simple” doesn’t appear an easy option. And You know me. I like easy!

One well respected authority on health and wellness believes one way, while others dispute and disagree. Opinions and varying test studies contradict. All the while I plot and plan how to take the best of each and leave the rest. Help me Father!

So back and forth I go. One moment thinking, “I’ve got this! God and I can do anything” (Philippians 4:13). Followed almost immediately by wondering what I was thinking.

As I continue returning repeatedly to the book of Deuteronomy, again I shake my head in awe and wonder. It’s referred to in The Life Recovery Bible as “a handbook for rebuilders.” Thank You Father.

Thank You that I get to pour out my heart to You. And You not only listen, You guide. Direct. Care.

I am in a quandary Father. Not sure which way to turn. Who to trust or believe. Then I read in and of the lessons from Deuteronomy and I smile with hope. Blessed, Holy, Father God, thank You!

The Life Recovery Bible’s introduction to this book asks, “What might we do after failing persistently for almost forty years? How might we set out a new pattern for living?” It goes on to tell of the Israelites failings and their concerns about those “wasted” years.

“They were looking for ways to overcome the fear that had caused them to fail once before. They needed a controlling purpose, some practical steps, a few guidelines for action.” Sound like anyone we know?

“In the book of Deuteronomy, Moses gave them the guidelines they needed. Moses began by telling the people to learn from their history. He reminded them not only of their past failures but also of God’s mighty acts on their behalf. He encouraged them to use their past experiences - both good and bad - to set their faith on fire.”

Holy God, I am grateful for the ways You have worked in my life these past many years. You have not once left me alone. I look to You for help. Hope. Deliverance.

“Rebuilding a broken life is serious business. In Deuteronomy, God gives that subject His full attention. He gives us essential guidelines for God’s plan of victory. He shows how we can gain direction from the past, guidance for the presence, and hope for the future.” Sign me up Father!

You have given us freedom to choose (Deuteronomy 30:19a). Oh that I would indeed choose life! (v. 19b) “Choose to love the LORD your God and to obey Him and commit yourself to Him, for He is your life…” (20a).

Yes Father. Please. I DO love You! And I long to obey You and commit myself to You for You are my life. Let my choices, my recourses represent that desire. Be my Recourse, Father. My Source of help in a difficult situation.

This I pray in Jesus’ most holy and providential name. Thank You. I love You. Amen.
(797 words ~ 11:09 a.m.)

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