Monday, February 18, 2019

Be praised!

Monday, February 18, 2019 (5:46 a.m.)
Most Holy God,

Thank You Father. Thank You that You are good. And holy. Thank You for Your loving forgiveness.
(8:01 a.m.)

Here I am. Trying again. Wanting to be willing to Your leading. Confessing to being reluctant. Resistant.

And right there. That fast. ♪Sing praise♪ starts singing in my mind. But I can’t find the song I’m looking for. So I turn again to You Dearest God.

There is absolutely a hardness in my heart. A temper tantrum of huge proportion. And I am asking You Father to change all You must.
(8:32 a.m.)
And here it is! Thank You Father.

♪BE praised… ♪ Yes Father. Let me praise You as You so rightly deserve. My thoughts can so easily take me down a rabbit hole. Thank You that focusing on You, Your Word, Your Truth brings me back into Your light.

Thank You that confessing my state and following Your lead yields freedom. Yes. Freedom to express. Freedom to hope. Freedom to ramble.

Thank You Father. Praise You. Confessing my inability to make sense of any given circumstance [Step One of Twelve] and then inviting You into it [Step Two] restores me to a sanity I wasn’t even aware I was lacking.

Steps One, Two and Three in a nutshell: “I can’t. God can. I’ll let Him.” Thank You Father. Yes!

Praise You. ♪Cause You’re always good Always good… Be Praised, let our worship rise in this place To the King of Love... ♪ (Gary Rea ♪This Is A Good Day♪)

It’s the song I sang to You just the other day and it took me this long to find it. Thank You for guiding me. Thank You for Your willingness to lead especially when I am behaving so petulantly.

Just for confessing I get to smile. Honestly. Openly. And willingly. Praise You God!

Use this day. Exactly as You know is best.

You provided me the song. The smile. And the perseverance to stay my mind on You. Here I am seeking the strength to stretch and accomplish what You will.

I love You. I thank You. And I ask You (Matthew 7:7) to fill me with all You know is necessary for Your good and Your glory. I love You. Use me. Thank You. Amen.
(389 words ~ 9:07 a.m.)

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