Sunday, May 17, 2015


Sunday, May 17, 2015 (6:18 a.m.)
Blessed Father,

Speak with me this morning about faith, would You please? You know, the f-orsaking a-ll I t-rust H-im I claim to have. That kind of faith that believes even when there seems to be a hint of doubt.

Father, You know that I love You. Love You with a trust and understanding that I often can't articulate. I believe at times because it seems so much easier than to doubt.

And aren't You just awesome? I'm asking and here's a hymn I don't know. Trials, failed plans, temptations, hurt feelings, all mentioned in We Will Understand It Better By and By How I thank You Faithful Father.

I get to wonder about all the many things that go on in my head and You are never daunted by my thoughts and questions. You stay ever fast. Firm. Faithful. Thank You.

Thank You that we have plans this morning. Plans that were originally my idea. Plans that I don't necessarily still want to follow through with. Plans that take me outside of my comfortable little cocoon.

I'm confessing to You right now that I have fallen right back into staying inside. Detaching. And isn't it just like You to hear me and to answer right here where I am!

Starting out this morning by searching the phrase “faith not seen is faith believed”, I went straight to Hebrew 11:1. Reading The Nature of Faith; 11:1-2,6 and The Evidence of Faith; 11:3-40 (Illustrated Bible Handbook) I followed down the page to Chapter 12:1-13. Discipline.

Here my eyes filled with tears as I read again of Your discipline always being loving (6). A family matter (7,8). Purposive (10). Effective (11).

Father, how I thank You for calling and guiding me to Your Word. Thank You for the needs I have that only You can fill. Thank You that the more I read in this section of Hebrews (now in chapter 10) the more hope stirs again to life inside me and the more tears fall from my eyes.

Only You can bring about this deeply seeded hope. There are so many times I clamp down. Putting the kibosh on any degree of getting my hopes up. You deserve much better than that. You called me here to time completely alone with You. I know that. I trust it. Believe it.

Now I am asking that Your Word, Your Truth, Your hope would be made manifest in me. Illustrated Bible Handbook tells me, “God's discipline calls for response. Rather than becoming listless or falling into paralyzed inactivity, we are to continue vigorously on, sure that the discipline will not disable us but bring healing.”

I believe that! I do. I trust You to do in and through, by, for and with me all the things I am absolutely unable to do on my own. That is why I have the courage to ask You to ready me this day. Bring about the fulfillment of Your Word.

Under A Call to Persevere (Hebrews 10:19-24) I read, “And so dear brothers and sisters, we can boldly enter heaven's Most Holy Place because of the blood of Jesus... And since we have a great High Priest who rules over God's people, let us go right into the presence of God, with true hearts fully trusting Him... Without wavering, let us hold tightly to the hope we say we have, for God can be trusted to keep His promise. Think of ways to encourage one another to outbursts of love and good deeds.”

Yes! Please! Teach me the fine art of encouraging others in Your love. Use me as You wish. Replace my fearfulness with faith. All faith. Hope. Trust. In You and all You want for us. I love You Dearest Dad. Help me live this day as though I believe that. Thank You. I love You. Amen.

(650 words ~ 7:39 a.m.)

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