Friday, October 8, 2010


Friday, October 8, 2010 (6:15 a.m.)

Loving Lord,

Thank You! Yesterday I made the conscious decision to choose You and Your Word. Lord, I don’t remember the last time I got so much done throughout the day, so effortlessly. Truly, it was as though I wasn’t even in charge [I really don’t think I was J] of all I was doing. Items I hadn’t planned to look through were sorted, filed or gotten rid of. That in itself is next to a miracle!

Thank You Lord. Thank You that although I didn’t finish all that I had planned to do, when I recognized I was frustrated, disappointed in one area and tired, I chose to go to sleep. Thank You Lord for much needed rest.

Which brings me right to the task of this fairly early morning. Packing, Lord. That’s where I left off last night. There’s another trip. I want to stay warm enough and wear comfortable shoes without taking too much. I’m coming to You Lord, just like I did yesterday, to see what choices You would have me make.

First off I hold Your Word in my hand, scouring internet translations to find one that mentions ‘packing’. Eugene Peterson’s The Message is the only one I can find. And with each verse my smile gets bigger and my heart lighter, more peaceful.

Lord God, how I thank You for the descriptions of people and demons that were “sent packing” by You and Your followers. The more I read, the more hopeful I become. Lord, how I ask You to teach me to share the glory of Your Good News with others!

In his letter to the Christians in Rome, John Mark (Mark 6: 7-13) told of how You sent Your twelve disciples out two by two. You told them what to take (nothing except walking sticks) where to stay (only at one home in each village) and what to do when not accepted or listened to (shake off the dust from their feet as they left).

“Then they were on the road. They preached with joyful urgency that life can be radically different; right and left they sent the demons packing; they brought wellness to the sick, anointing their bodies, healing their spirits” (vs. 12-13). Now that’s the kind of packing I truly long to do Dear Lord! Take Your joy and share it with others? Yes Lord!

More important than any of the right clothes, help me in not only packing Your joy, but in sharing it freely and willingly with others!

I love You so much Dear Lord. As seemingly effortlessly as You worked in and through me around here yesterday, “Please Sir, I want more”. Thank You Lord. I love You. Amen.

(458 words ~ 7:16 a.m.)

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