Friday, October 15, 2010


Friday, October 15, 2010 (8:32 a.m.)

Blessed Lord,

Thank You! Extra sleep. Readily available songs, and a radically changed mindset. Thank You!

Lord, You know the thoughts that swim so freely in my mind. There are doubts and regrets and things of which to be afraid. There are mistakes. The ones I’ve already made and the ones just waiting for me around the next decision.

But this morning before even opening my eyes I was again singing to You. In Spanish no less! Cantad al Senor un cantico nuevo [Oh sing to the Lord, oh sing God a new song]

Lord, I don’t pretend to understand Your ways. I realize they are higher than mine (Isaiah 55:9). There is no way that I can even try to make sense of all You do. But what’s so incredibly cool for me right here and right now is that every single thought that has tried to take me away from what is real and true has been countered with either another song or the search for another verse.

Before getting up I was thinking about how things change. Nothing stays the same or turns out exactly as we plan. Immediately (Matthew 14:31) my mind countered with On Christ the solid Rock I stand: All other ground is sinking sand(Matthew 7:24).

Hand in hand the verses and songs keep coming to me this morning. Thank You Lord. And just like that [SNAP!] I am in tears! Freely streaming down my face. Catching my breath with every reminder of all You are and have for us.

Isaiah 43:19 speaks clearly to the truth that God will make a way Where there seems to be no way He works in ways we cannot see He will make a way for me Thank You Lord! Thank You that I get to trust You with the past, the future, the life You have planned for me. Thank You.

My mindset [established set of attitudes held by someone] of the past was to be afraid. Of everything! It is You and Your Word that can change all that! You love me. Your Word says so again and again. I am not to be afraid for You have ransomed me. You have called me by name; I am Yours (Isaiah 43:1). When I go through deep waters and great trouble, You will be with me. When I go through rivers of difficulty, I will not drown! When I walk through the fire of oppression, I will not be burned up – the flames will not consume me (v.2). For You are the Lord my God, my Savior, the Holy One of Israel (3).

Thank You Lord. You have the power, as well as the love, to change a faulty mindset. Thank You. Thank You for loving each of us so very much Dearest Lord. You are wonderful. Awesome. Incredible. And loved. So very loved. Thank You Lord. I love You. Amen.

(492 words ~ 9:43 a.m.)

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