Tuesday, June 14, 2022

"the Word"

 Tuesday, June 14, 2022 (5:47 a.m.)

Blessed Holy God,

Thank You! You provide us so many opportunities. Choices. Chances to change. Mm. Yes! Thank You for Who You are. And all You do on our behalf.

A frustration yesterday could quite easily have completely derailed us. Turning quickly into anger. Instead, the awkwardness was addressed, discussed and resolved. That’s YOU Dear Lord. All You!

Thank You for providing me a remedy to the difficulty I had encountered 12 hours ago. Having truly not given it another thought. And there You were with, “Go try it this way.”

Amen to You Dearest God! Thank You to the highest degree!

Thank You too for the love I have of word choices. Their meanings. And origins. More opportunities to explore. Again becoming eager and excited to tell [AGOG!].

Just like that right there Dear Lord. Considering the word AGOG I look at its origin and immediately see a slight similarity to the word ‘enjoy’. Both have their beginnings from Old French.

“agog -> en gogues, from en ‘in’ + the plural of gogue ‘fun’.”

“enjoy -> enjoier ‘give joy to’ or enjoir ‘enjoy’, both based on Latin  gaudere ‘rejoice’.”

Words! Oh! Look at this…

Living Bible John 1:1-2 “Before anything else existed, there was Christ [the Word], with God. He has always been alive and is Himself God. Footnotes a. John 1:1 Before anything else existed, literally ‘In the beginning.’ Christ, literally, ‘the Word’ meaning Christ, the wisdom and power of God and the first cause of all things; God’s personal expression of Himself to men.”

Oh! But wait! There’s so much more!

Amplified Bible Hebrews 4:12 “For the Word of God is living and active and full of power [making it operative, energizing, and effective]. It is sharper that any two-edged sword, penetrating as far as the division of the soul and spirit [the completeness of a person], and of both joints and marrow [the deepest parts of our nature], exposing and judging the very thoughts and intentions of the heart.”

Praise You Father! Thank You for my love of words. "Jesus" being the most vital and precious Word.

The Life Recovery Bible comment. “4:12-13 During hard times our faith tends to dwindle; we may grow angry and harden our heart to the truth about ourself. The antidote to this problem is the living Word of God, which has power to penetrate even the deepest denial. This is good news for those of us struggling to overcome a dysfunctional lifestyle and having a tendency to distort reality. God knows everything about us, even the things we try to hide from ourself. We can count on Him, through His Word, to expose the problems and needs we will face in recovery.”

Oh thank and praise You Dearest God. Every single time I see a glimpse of myself in Your Word of Truth and promises I am grateful to be regarded as one of Your children.

While I may not always or readily rejoice in Your teachings, they do seep in. Thank You that You know exactly all You are doing in, with, by, through and for each of us.

Continue Your perfecting work Dearest God. Making us into the people You would have us be. The ones who rejoice in You always. Glorifying and enjoying forever You as we go.

Use us this day. For Your good and Your glory. As only You know is best. Thank You. Praise You. I love, need and want You. Amen!

(580 words ~ 7:59 a.m.)

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