Friday, June 18, 2021


 Thursday, June 16, 2021 (6:33 a.m.)

Holy God,

We got a lot accomplished yesterday. Lawn mowed. Weeds pulled. Roses trimmed. Windows washed. Car unloaded. Papers sorted. And even a game played.

What was best about the whole thing? The respect with which it was all approached. Caring, helpful, even playful attitudes. Yes Lord. Especially when we realized we’ve been playing a card game wrong for over 40 years!

Thank You God that we get to make mistakes. “Fail better” if You will. Yes. This is exactly where I ask You to guide me this morning. I want to experience first hand the wisdom we can find in foundering.

Take that word right there for instance. Never before now did I know the similarity between founder and flounder. Easily confused by overlapping contexts.

(9:16 a.m.)

Talk about being easily confused! That just happened.

Going full steam ahead in one direction. Prayer time with You. Jumping up. Changing course and doing yard work on the very spur of a moment. Being late for a previously scheduled phone call. All the while praying Your mercy and grace, prepared hearts and forgiveness.

What a true delight it was of being reminded to enJOY the moment at hand (Matthew 6:34) rather than letting my mind wander to a worst case scenario. Thank You God for all You do on our behalf!

(10:35 a.m.)

Now, back to the foundering and floundering description. Founder meaning ‘fail or come to nothing, sink out of sight.’ While flounder specifies ‘struggle, move clumsily, be in a state of confusion.’

What a glorious opportunity to sit here contentedly considering mistakes as gifts from You Dearest God. You have done such a marvelous work in changing me. Freeing me to embrace making them.

“Then I realized how bitter I had become, how pained I had been by all I had seen. I was so foolish and ignorant - I must have seemed like a senseless animal to You. Yet I still belong to You; You are holding my right hand. You will keep on guiding me with Your counsel, leading me to a glorious destiny” (Psalm 73:21-24).

You do all this for us. Thank You Father. Use me this day exactly as You know is best. Reminding me every single step of the way that You are indeed great. Glorious. Good. And gracious.

In You alone do I trust. I love You. Thank You. Amen.

(411 words ~ 11:18 a.m.)

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