Friday, December 22, 2017

heeding Your lead

Thursday, December 21, 2017 (6:20 a.m.)
Blessed God,

You and I had quite the conversations throughout the night. At the time I thought it was all out brilliance. Now I wonder if it was more tiredness than anything else.

Being fully awake I look back and question if I were merely suffering my foolish thinking wisely (2 Corinthians 11:19). I look to You Father. In the light of day, asking that You would guide my thinking. The decisions and choices I make. My actions.

I love You. This more than anything I want to be apparent. Easily seen. Obvious. Plain. Clear. Yes! Father, work in, with, by, through and for me.

It’s been a truly odd Advent Season for me. My thinking seems somewhat skewed. Yet at the very same time, somehow there appears to be an extreme element of Your Truth in it all.

Again, I profess my love for You. Asking, seeking, knocking for Your guidance. Your will. Your way. Your power. Your strength. I long to see You come into view. That I would truly follow Your lead.

I confess to You right now, I fear foolishness. Folly. I long for Your wisdom. Your good plan. There’s such a sense of urgency taking hold within. Balance me out I pray. I love You. I want to follow You. Do all You must that I will gladly and readily heed Your lead.

Yes Blessed God. “You made my body, Lord; now give me sense to heed Your laws” (Psalm 119:73).

You are good. Your are faithful. You deserve our praise. You want us to live joyfully. I seek Your will. Asking Your help in following it. Transform me I pray. Into the woman You have designed me to be. “A living testimony of [Your] power to transform broken lives” (The Life Recovery Bible comment for Psalm 119:73-77).

Mm, yes! As I come to You very late in this Advent Season, I read more of what it is to represent []. “… a season of preparation, a time of waiting and watching for Christ. As we ready our hearts to celebrate Christmas in the coming days, our spiritual eyes also look ahead to end of days, when Christ will come again. In Advent, we are not simply preparing for a yearly festival. We are rehearsing for the ultimate feast, the great Marriage Supper, when Christ returns for His people.”

This affirms my heart’s call to You earlier, “Amen! Come, Lord Jesus!” (Revelation 22:20b). It is in You I hope and trust. Amen! Come, Lord Jesus!

(433 words ~ 8:29 a.m.)

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