Friday, December 22, 2017

asking again

Friday, December 22, 2017 (7:43 a.m.)
Blessed God,

Thank You. Thank You for hope. Thank You for freedom. Thank You for choices. Thank You for sadness. And mistakes. And opportunities to try again.

Yes. Blessed, Holy God, You are so very good. Kind. Faithful. Loving. I am asking You to once again accompany me into this day.

Deep, deep breath. And JOY! Yes! Reading Your Word, my head nods, my heart quickens. Joy. Hope. Love. You. All right here.

Thinking “We have not because we ask not” led me to James 4:3. The Life Recovery Bible titles the beginning of this chapter as Drawing Close to God. Illustrated Bible Handbook refers to it as Subduing the Self; 3:13-4:10.

Yes please. To both. Most blessed God, how I long to draw close to You AND subdue my own selfishness. Thank You that Your Word even guides us in this.

Reading The Life Recovery Bible comment for this (4:1-4) I am so excited to once again see myself. “Most of us would like to receive the freedom God offers, but we generally make mistakes that hold us back: (1) We try to gain our freedom by working hard. We forget to ask God for help and thus never receive the life that God wants to give us;” Yes. Me to a T! 

“(2) if we do ask God for help, we ask with wrong motives. We ask for His blessings to satisfy our personal pleasure, ignoring the fact that seeking friendship with the world makes us God’s enemies.” True. So very true!

“God wants to give us abundant lives so we can tell others about Him. We experience the freedom God offers by drawing close to and asking for His guidance and help.” Yes!

Holy Father, I AM experiencing glimpses of Your guidance. When I pause long enough to breathe You deeply into my being, I absolutely sense Your freedom and joy. I am again asking You to guide and direct my feelings, praises, thoughts and actions that I would truly glorify and enjoy You this day.

Thank You Father. Praise You. I love You. Amen.
(359 words ~ 8:17 a.m.)

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