Monday, April 14, 2014

laughter and joy

Monday, April 14, 2014 (6:56 a.m.)
Blessed God,

Good morning. I love You. Of what shall we speak today?
(7:29 a.m.)
Laughter and joy. Yes. What an excellent idea!

Thank You Father. We were blessed yesterday. We were able to physically attend church. Sing. Worship. Glorify You. And to read Your Word out loud. What a blessing. Such a privilege. Thank You.

Thank You that of the songs which were not only played instrumentally but sung aloud as well It Is Well With My Soul again brought tears to my being. Tears of remembrance. Of acceptance. Of a deep, deep commitment to You. And joy. Yes. Always joy.

Blessed Father, thank You for what You are teaching us about joy. Joy that comes not only from circumstances, but from getting to know, trust and believe You. Thank You for the work You do in each of us to get us in line with Your plan for us all.

Having wanted to expand more on the history and majesty of yesterday's marking of Your Son's triumphal entry into Jerusalem I have oft imagined the joy and laughter involved with such an occasion. What might it have been like seeing Him, in the flesh, riding into the city on the back of a donkey? Arriving in peace rather than war. Was there a spirit of hopefulness? With shouts of “save, we pray” [“Hosanna!” (Psalm 118:25)] heard amid the waving palm branches, was there a giddiness of excitement?

You delivered Your people from captivity more than once. Psalm 126:1-2a tells, “When the Lord restored His exiles to Jerusalem, it was like a dream! We were filled with laughter and we sang for joy.” I relish the times I am filled with laughter, singing for joy. Father, thank You.

Thank You for the chance to sit here reflecting on the great and amazing things You do in our lives. “Then it was said among the nations, 'The Lord has done great things for them.' The Lord has done great things for us, and we are filled with joy” (vs. 2b-3).

You HAVE done great things for us! You promise to turn our tears to songs of joy and You deliver. As we begin this Holy [Passion] Week, teach us to treat it with the reverence and respect it deserves. Continue growing us into the people You would have us be. Ones filled with appropriate laughter and joy.

Thank You for this valuable, uninterrupted time together. Empower and enable me to use it for Your glory this day. I love You. I long to serve You well. Thank You. Amen.
(434 words ~ 8:38 a.m.)

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