Tuesday, February 28, 2012

last day

Tuesday, February 28, 2012 (7:24 a.m.)

Carlsbad, CA

Loving Father,

Thank You! It’s the last day of another phenomenal anniversary weekend. Thank You Blessed God for this husband that puts so much attention into detail. How he managed to pull a full day of rain and wind out of his hat I’ll never know. Seriously, Father… that was an incredibly nice touch on YOUR part. We truly enjoyed it and are grateful.

Thank You for the amount of time spent being glad in our surroundings and with each other’s company. As we prepare to leave this beautiful setting, I ask that we would take its essence with us. Serenity. Serendipity. Friendliness. Easy going. And beauty. Such incredible beauty Lord God!

From the brightly colored camellias to the campsites overlooking the ocean’s edge. We found beauty and joy almost everywhere we looked. Thank You.

Just as I was preparing to admit that this time together this morning is short, I turned to Your Word to see what results I would find concerning “last day”. Through the many that I found, it’s John 7:37-39 that has the bulk of my attention.

“On the last day, the climax of the holidays, Jesus shouted to the crowds, ‘If anyone is thirsty. Let him come to me and drink. For the Scriptures declare that rivers of living water shall flow from the inmost being of anyone who believes in me.’ (He was speaking of the Holy Spirit, who would be given to everyone believing in Him; but the Spirit had not yet been given, because Jesus had not yet returned to His glory in heaven.)”

All of a sudden the idea of a last day takes on a whole new meaning. I’m such a sucker for rivers of living water. Yes Lord. Indeed. Let them flow freely from my heart.

You are the Living Water who satisfies our thirst (John 4:10). Putting our faith and trust in You, asking for a drink, You provide us Your Spirit. A commentary lists Your Holy Spirit as “an inexhaustible river of living water, welling up in us and flowing through us. The indwelling and eternal Holy Spirit goes with us wherever we go”.

What do You think Lord? A quick swim before we leave this place? Thank You for Your blessings to us. Thank You for Your love. Let us use them well. This day. And always!

Thank You. I love You. Amen.

(408 words ~ 8:10 a.m.)

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